Desperately need scale for weighing meat ?

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Desperately need scale for weighing meat ?

Postby mytime » July 11th, 2005, 7:57 pm

I am feeling like I have cheated. I know I have not - but I was hoping to do the full fast - was feeling hungry all of the time - with tummy grumbles - my 3 year old reminded me to say excuse me -thought I had passed gas :oops: So anyway the last 3 days I have been eating chicken at dinner time - and it has really helped - I plan to get the 70 shakes next time I order but that will be - 6 more weeks ?

Anyway I have that nervous feeling you get when you have gone off program - or maybe it is just the nervous feeling I get - anyway I thought if I wrote it here I would feel better. I am still doing my 5 MF products and then having my best guess at 7oz of chicken - I just bought a whole cooked chicken from Costco and have been eating some of that. At any rate 7oz is a lot of meat and I did eat a lot - so I think I would feel better if I had a food scale. Any ideas were I can get one ? I think I am going back to just MF until I do - it just doesn't feel right. The head part of this is going to be harder than I thought. Mytime
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Postby martha » July 11th, 2005, 9:05 pm


You are doing great.. you have not cheated that i see.. I do both of the programs--some days all 6 shakes and some days the 5 & 1 program.. it depends on my mood and whats going on for the day..I was told they have an appettite suppressant shake.. it helps control the hunger.. have you thought about trying it? it might help keep your rumbly tummy quiet..also in the book "sucess in a shaker jar" they say on page 120 to use an acid-blocker medication like Tagament,Zantac or Pepcid AC to control hunger that will not go away.. hunger pains usually disappear within a couple of days after starting the also says your stomach may be excreting more acid than is needed for the small volume food intake on MF. this can create a "gnawing" sensation in your stomach that feels exactly like hunger..j(just a suggestion for you).. you can buy a scale just about at any Walmart, K-Mart.Sears etc.. your head does have a way of playing with your mind on this.. just don't worry about it--from what you have said you are doing okay(it is important to weigh and measure your food) but for now you are doing GREAT!!!!-Martha
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Postby mytime » July 11th, 2005, 9:41 pm

Martha - as always - THANK YOU !!!! I have been chewing Trident - and I think this may be the problem - I am going off of it tomorrow for a day or two to see if it helps - that and off to Target for a scale.

If kicking them gum doesn't do it I am going to try the pepcid. And last but not least the 70's. I hope you guys made it through the storm and your mom is ok. Don't know if anyone has told you lately - but I know that she really appreciates all that you do for her - as does the rest of your family. I know I appreciate your posts and support. All my best. Mytime
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Postby martha » July 12th, 2005, 8:14 am


I too was using the diet hard candies and some days more than the required 5 a day.. Nancy was soo right-- I would get so bloated and gassy :D I actually had to take meds for it--then I figured out it only happened on the days I had 7or so of them..and then I thought it was not helping with the weight loss SO I stopped using them too.
Thank you for the note about the storm and mom and yes we are okay.. our friend Tink in Ala is without power from it at this time.. thanks for caring--Martha
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Postby mytime » July 12th, 2005, 8:01 pm

Martha - you are a life saver. Thank you so much for your reply. I went to Savon at 8am and got my scale. Don't think I was off by much with my guessing game :D. I also bought the pecid that you recommended and it really helped. Atleast for a few hours. Without the tummy grumbles I was not hungry at all :D SOOO Much thanks to you. Sorry to hear about Tink -Hope all continues to be well in your neck of the woods. Your post saved me again - hope I get a chance to return the favor. Not that you will need it - YOU ROCK !!!!!Mytime
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Postby martha » July 12th, 2005, 9:15 pm


you are so welcome.. I really don't know that much about the program(still learning myself)but I have the books and just happened to be reading the very thing you asked about.... glad it helped..Martha
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Postby Nancy » July 13th, 2005, 12:57 am

MyTime ~

Re: Costco roasted chicken...

the whole roasted chickens are done so with the skin on...IMO, they are very greasy, very fatty...remember, it is recommended that skin and visible fat be removed before cooking meat.

We bought the said roasted chicken on ONE occasion. When we got it home, we noticed it was sitting in a tray of lard. We bought two chickens, tucked one in the refer for the next day and ripped off the skin and sliced up the other. It was tasty but much too greasy for my palate. I wiped it with a paper towel. The next day when I cut up the chicken that had spent the night in the refer, the fat had solidified and was easier to strip from the meat but it also proved to me how fatty it was and it may not be the best choice for me.

Please know that I am not telling you that you should not have roasted chicken; I am just saying that skin on = fat in and for me and my arteries, we’re not choosing to spend our fat calories on chicken fat. Go, you chicken fat, go!
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Postby LuzInIt » July 13th, 2005, 6:54 am

"Go, you chicken fat, go!" - Oh my gosh Nancy - I had an instant flashback to gym class, around 1964. President Kennedy had instituted a required fitness program for all schools and as part of an aerobics routine, we worked out to a rousing song whose main words were "Go, you chicken fat, go!" - If my memory serves correctly, it was performed by the fellow who starred in the movie version of "The Music Man" (the name Robert Preston (?) comes to mind). Sorry for this useless drivel, but I'm sure I hadn't thought about that in over 40 years. Isn't it funny how some memory cells just lurk in there quietly for so long and then pop to the surface. I usually can't remember what I wore the day before, but I can still sing the themes from "Swamp Fox","Davey Crockett", and "Old Yeller" from the 1950's.
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Postby Nancy » July 13th, 2005, 1:18 pm

Yup, Little Darlin' - that was my intention to drag up that memory for some of us who have been hangin' out on the planet for a few years.

As you know, I was an elementary teacher for YEARS here in the northwest …When it was rainy (most every day in the winter and spring) and the kiddos couldn’t go outside for a before school romp or 10 minutes of pre-school recess to blow off steam before the start of classes, I used to begin the day in the usual way with the flag salute.

Each day a different child would be responsible for holding the American flag, announce to their classmates, “Please stand. Put your right had over your heart; ready begin. "I pledge allegiance to the flag..."

Then we would sing a patriotic song and a song or two from early America (“Oh, Susanna!” “Old Paint” “Davy Crocket” the Johnny Appleseed song, etc.) or we’d sing along with a few of the Silly Songs on the Wee Sing cassettes.

Then after the singage time, the all-time fave: Chicken Fat!

Of course Mrs. P. in all her 250+ pounds of flabber glory would do the jumping jacks, pushups, etc.

I was a very :yippee: lively and involved schoolmarm…

:shock: Hmm…just thunk of something here…the kids must have gotten hypnotized watching my arm flappage as it wobbled back and forth before their very eyes… :tears: Sadly when I retired from the classroom 6 years ago, I gave my record (yes, I had my original RECORD from the 60's) and my personal tape recording of it to two of the kids - we had a drawing for it!

:x Dang! Now I want it back…we could most likely do a search on that famous ePay place for “Go, You Chicken Fat, Go!”

Shake on, Friends!
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Postby Guest » July 13th, 2005, 3:30 pm

Happy to report that today I had no grumbles - the pepcid really seems to have helped. Sorry Nancy - don't know the go chicken fat go song. Yes I agree the chicken was greasy - had no idea how much until the next day. Mytime
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