Last night a very sore throat was keeping me awake, so I decided to read to escape my gloomy thoughts and came across an inspirational passage, so I decided to share in the hopes that someone else might find it helpful too...
The author had been discussing the problem of procrastination in a chapter titled "The Goliath of Indecision":
"How does your life today compare with a year ago? How will it compare a year from now? What you will someday be, you are becoming right now. Every day counts. Every moment, every decision counts for eternity. "The Lord has provided alternatives to every Goliath [challenge]. You have the tools and knowledge to gain victory. If you do not change the direction of your spiritual path, you will end up exactly where you are heading. When the moment of decision arrives, the hour of preparation is past. Every day we must ask ourselves, "If not now, when?" We must remind ourselves continually that "later" usually means never." (Conquering Your Own Goliaths, by Steven A. Cramer, pg. 85)
Stalled, but still hanging on....