How many of those 32 oz cups are you actually finishing during the day ?
I found that to begin with (well, I am still in the initial stages, but I was doing some pretty major prep work in the anticipation period before my packets actually arrived), I couldn't really drink enough water. And it seemed that the more I drank, the thirstier I got. But then, as I drank consistently each day, it brought my entire system up to an HNL (hee hee) with hydration. I am actually drinking at least 120 ounces a day, and I don't regret it at all because my complexion has dramatically improved as a result.
I have two 64 oz bottles that I prepare with water, and as I drink one, the other is in the fridge getting cold. Then I switch them when one is finished. I aim to finish at least 2 per day, however, it's often more. Also, I often finish the first one an hour or two before noon. That seems to set me up pretty well for the day, and then I drink water with every meal and troughout the day. I love the feeling

Also, jumping on a wagon that other people have talked about, your electrolyte balance may be off causing you to be thirsty and dehydrated. Eating a pickle or drinking the medifast broths are supposed to help with that as well.
I don't know much about the make-up of the food at this point, but I do know that dehydration is normal. So be prepared
