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Postby THINKnTHIN » October 6th, 2006, 4:17 am

Hey to all! I finally decided to stop lurking and join in! I am on my second week of Medifast and have decided not to use the scale for 3 weeks. I will do weigh-in's at 3 week intervals only (hopefully). The scale has always messed with my mind, and I refuse to have it make or break my day before it begins :) My mini goal is to lose 25 lbs (or more) by December. Overall, I have 40-50 lbs to lose. I had done Medifast in 2002 with great success, but alas, had some life challenges that made me lose focus and put me almost right back where I started. Oh well! At least I know in my heart this plan will work 100%. I just have to be patient and compliant! First challenge will be a business trip in 2 weeks, 5 days on the road. I am already planning my attack for that! :)
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Postby Elke » October 6th, 2006, 6:17 am

Good for you for thinking ahead, that will help so much. Welcome to the group. You seem to have a great attitude! Thats awesome. If you have any questions just ask, someone will be along to answer it. :)
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Postby Emmasmom » October 6th, 2006, 8:29 am

Welcome to the forum! I had to ask my husband to hid the scale from me, because I obsess about it. So kudos for you, you have thought this through and you WILL be successful. Just keep reading the forum whenever you can. I have found that this is such a motivation to keep me on track.

Good luck on your weight loss journey! :-P

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Postby THINKnTHIN » October 6th, 2006, 9:16 am

Thanks Elke and Emmasmom! Was not expecting so quick a made my day! I check in often just to get through the cravings of the day. I have another quirky thing that I am trying, sounds weird but there is a method to my madness...I am trying to grow my lean and green meals (the green part anyway). I have my whole fall garden planted and have cold frames ready if/when needed. That way I have to get outside and physicaly work for my food. An added plus, hopefully no danger of tainted fresh spinach which I just love. So I had to wait and start Medifast when my plants were high enough :)
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Postby JeepGirl » October 6th, 2006, 11:15 am

Welcome Aboard! I think it is awesome that you have a garden..I think that will make it so much more meaningful to ya! Good Luck!!
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Postby DogMa » October 6th, 2006, 12:16 pm

Welcome!! So what are you growing?

I'm SO excited that spinach is supposed to be heading back into the stores. I've missed it!! (And I don't worry too much about E. coli from it, since I only like it cooked.)

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Postby THINKnTHIN » October 6th, 2006, 12:52 pm

Hi Dogma! You are one of my heroes on this plan! I love your Journal! I used Body for Life after I finished Medifast in 2002 for maintenance also and it really is a great way of life that works well (I failed, not the plan). I really had my best body ever when following it....

I have several diff kinds of lettuces, red sails, red delight, romaine, buttercrunch, mesculin mix....spinach, collards (hope I can eat those without the salt pork to boil them in :)), brocolli, chinese cabbage, green onions, still have bannana peppers, arugula, lots of herbs still (basil, parsley, oregano, thyme, dill and such).

I got REALLY mad the other day when the grasshoppers started in on the cabbage.....but hey, they are thinner than I am so I guess it was truly "survival of the fittest"! ..... hah hah
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Postby THINKnTHIN » October 6th, 2006, 1:06 pm

Oops JeepGirl! I forgot to say hello back to you! I have been reading your journal also.....your love for your jeep reminds me of mine for my Mustang. I read somewhere on the site where people were posting what their dreams were when they reached of mine is to look as good as my car! :) sometimes when I get out of it, I sense disappointment from the male crowd when they see me appear.....looking like a midlife crisis! Not for long though!
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Postby Sojourner » October 6th, 2006, 6:09 pm

THINKnTHIN of mine is to look as good as my car! :)

Hey!I look as good as my vehicle....'course I drive an extended cab truck with extra-wide tires...:cry:

<img src="" alt="" border="0"><img border="0" src="">

LOL, jk! Welcome to the best forum in the history of the world! I totally appreciate your wanting to join after "skulking" for a while--I've heard that people do that!

Shake it gone, babeee!!!
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Postby alohacate » October 6th, 2006, 6:32 pm

Aloha & welcome back!! You can do this - WE CAN DO THIS TOGETHER!!!
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Postby Amber » October 6th, 2006, 6:56 pm

Glad to have you aboard the MF wagon!

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Postby Arklahoma » October 6th, 2006, 7:58 pm

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Postby beeah_b » October 6th, 2006, 9:14 pm

Hi thinkinthin! Wow, i had no idea that you could grow lettuce & such in the fall! Good luck in the growing of the green & of course no luck needed in the losing of the fat. You already know that Medifast works! :yes:
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Postby Allie » October 7th, 2006, 8:57 am

good morning and welcome!!! Glad to have you here. I know you can do it!!!

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Postby THINKnTHIN » October 7th, 2006, 10:50 am

Thanks for all the Welcomes! I am VERY happy to be here! Yep! in most areas of the country you can garden winter hardy veggies like lettuce, spinach and such with just a bit of protection...great book by Eliot Coleman "The Four Season Harvest" is what I follow. As long as we are limiting ourselves to one lean and green my thoughts are it should be the best taste and quality possible! yum yum!
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