Dear Ann Landers.....

Questions/Comments about Weight loss Products.

Dear Ann Landers.....

Postby explorthis » January 13th, 2004, 12:39 pm

Dear Ann... Yesterday I was taken out to lunch by an important group where I am employed. As I and the group walked into the NICE restaurant for our "FUEL" (fuel to me now) The instant question out of the waitresses mouth, as we entered, was: Would you like a table, or a booth" Instantly I panicked, Table!!! (I thought to myself)!! No I can sit/fit in a booth now, I sighed with relief.

Ann, in the past, I went to many a restaurant, from the .99 cent ones to the $60.00 ones (Big Mac is a Big Mac is a Big Mac now) and the very first thing I would do is scope out the place. Having a good eye, determining if I WOULD or WOULD NOT fit behind the booth, and have my gut rubbed raw by the table edge was a large determining factor for me in where I would sit. 90% of the time it was a no brainer, "TABLE"

Now Ann, I no longer wonder, but I still have that tinge of fear, that hopefully will pass when I hear this question: Table or Booth?

Will these feelings of dispair eventually subside, or am I destined to think this way my entire life?

I did gleefully say BOOTH in a bold voice, and ordered a salad, and a LARGE water with lemon.

Your faithful reader.

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Postby Jeanette » January 13th, 2004, 2:02 pm

Dear Faithful Reader:

What a feeling of liberation you must have felt when you no longer had to worry about whether or not you would fit in a booth!

These bodies of ours can be one of two things--a vehicle or a prison. You have chosen to make yours a vehicle to get you around in this life with ease.

One day this Columnist will no longer have to panic about where to sit or if she will fit. And one of the reasons is...she has a Faithful Reader who inspires her daily.

Thank you!! :D
Jeanette :star:
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