Dear Ann Landers,
I have a problem; I am overweight and tired of it.
Signed, 4Lorn
Dear 4Lorn,
Diet, lose weight, and be happier.
Love, Ann.
Dear Ann Landers,
It’s 4Lorn again,
This weight problem, I am real analytical about everything, and it is putting my loss at a slower pace, than it should, I am not losing – Help, what can I do?
Dear 4L,
Diet, lose weight, and be happier.
Love, Ann.
Dear Ann Landers,
Me 4L again,
Why can men lose so easily, and just shrug it off?
Dear 4L,
They diet, lose weight, and are happier.
Love, Ann
Dear Ann Landers,
4-here, AGAIN!
I do not like your generalities, and your “easy out” attitude is starting to annoy me, your philosophy – this sounds too easy.
Love ya lots, 4.
Get over it, diet, lose weight, and be happier.
Love, Ann.
Dear Ann Landers,
4 again…. (wait – Ann abruptly interrupts, actually is tired of this mail trail – and calls 4 on the phone):
4Lorn, or whatever you call yourself, it’s not that hard. You’re overweight, it’s your fault. Stop blaming everyone, and everything. Pop a shake, sit back, walk a little, watch a little TV, call a few friends, watch the weight fall off, easy-peasy-Japeneesy.
Bye for now,
Love, Ann.