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Postby Meez » April 28th, 2006, 7:41 am

Hi, I am new, only 4 full days into theprogram. Could someone kindly tell me when you all started to lose some weight? I have to say I'm disappointed. I have not budged. Doing all Ishould be.any advice? Ithank you in Advance.~Melissa
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Postby just_julie » April 28th, 2006, 10:23 am

Hang in there. My body does tricks. I usually don't lose all week, I'm upset at weigh in, and then - BAM! I drop 2 or 3 in the next day or so... Keep doing what you're doing!

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Postby MusicalMomma » April 28th, 2006, 10:40 am

Welcome to the program :) Can you give an example of your daily routine? What do you eat and at what times? How much water do you drink? Hang in there...we're here for you!! :)
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Postby Arklahoma » April 28th, 2006, 2:21 pm

You've only been on the program a short time. Give your body time to adjust to this new lifestyle and you WILL lose weight. Try not to get discouraged.

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Postby DogMa » April 28th, 2006, 2:57 pm

It's unusual not to lose right away, though. It would be helpful if you'd post exactly what you eat and when.

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Postby dede4wd » April 28th, 2006, 8:13 pm

I didn't lose a DARNED thing my entire first week...until...the end of day 7, I dropped 7 lbs! The trend continued my first 3 weeks, my body hanging onto weight until the very end of the week. So, let your body get used to the program, stick to the program, have someone hide your scale and don't worry about it!

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Postby xwoman » April 29th, 2006, 8:34 am

Hi I am newbie, but this I know from others, there are 3 rules.

#1 DO NOT STOP...if you stop you fail, if you continue you will NOT fail.

#2 Drink water

# 3 Refer to #1

Our bodies are programmed by our actions, I know I am bad about drinking water, so any program I begin it takes several days or a week before my body accepts that water will come at normal intervals...then it begins to release. Your body will get used to the program. I would not weigh myself except 1 day a week, committ to 1 month. YOU CAN DO IT, YOU WILL NOT FAIL!

Listen to those who have been where you are, I am sure you are not the only one, it just feels like it!
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Postby mamabear » April 29th, 2006, 8:43 am

:wave: Welcome!! Just stick with it, have confidence in yourself, and you will do it!! It will work for you! :hug:
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Postby electra000 » April 29th, 2006, 8:51 am

Hi, and welcome ! It will take your body a good 3 or 4 days to fully get into ketosis and get used to what is going on. You should drop weight after that. I noticed that by my 4th day on the program I started peeing like crazy. I used the keto sticks to check to see if I was in ketosis, and I was. You just have to be patient ! Hang in there. :-P
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Postby Taszi17 » April 30th, 2006, 1:30 pm

I agree drink that water girl. I am like some of the others where my scale will stay put all week and then on Sunday bam it goes down thank god. Just remember some people also lose slower... yeh I know even in the first week than others. Don't get discouraged everyones bod is different but of course will all look fabulous darlin by the time we are done. Keep your chin up and shake away knowing that it will happen
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Postby lise » April 30th, 2006, 2:59 pm

You have received great advice. What I did was to move my bar to the morning instead of the afternoon (so shake, bar, soup, cappacino or shake, leans and green, oatmeal) and with that combination, managed to shed some major pounds and now inches!

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Postby Becky » April 30th, 2006, 6:28 pm

i too say just keep on going! make sure you are drinking AT LEAST 64 ounces of water a day. the more you drink, the faster those pounds will drop off. make sure you are being very strict about eating every 3 hours or so--and NEVER go more than 4 hours without eating (if you do, you will get REALLY hungry & want to eat the arm off your recliner or something)!

for me, i have to be very strict, no cheating whatsoever (or i don't lose anything that week), drink lots of water, and make sure i am consistently eating every 2.5 - 3.0 hours. if i have days where i cram a few together & then go too many hours without eating & don't get all my water in, i don't lose. so--just be very consistent & the weight will come off. about once every 4-6 weeks i go 2 a whole weeks & only lose 1 pound! then the next week i lose about 4 or 5. we all lose differently, but this program does work for everyone if you stick with it. :lol:
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