3 days off - will 1 more day really matter?

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3 days off - will 1 more day really matter?

Postby smiller » September 20th, 2005, 8:57 am

I've been a very bad girl - I've been off track for 3 days now - not just off track but on a binge (lots of reasons/excuses - but know none of them matter so I won't even list them). Just wondering what 1 more day will matter... Thanks in advance.
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Postby kassilou » September 20th, 2005, 9:32 am

You already know what you should do. :lol: Taking "just one more day" off track isn't going to help you at all...it just makes getting back on track more difficult. For me, this is a battle in my mind. I can rationalize anything I do...but the scale and how my clothing fits tell the truth. :x I don't like living with that garbage (excuses, rationalizations...) in my head, so staying on program helps me emotionally and physically. I haven't been wayyyy off track, but I have been spinning my wheels the past few weeks. I started back up again last week, finally stopped saying "one more day", and feel soooo much better now.

Good luck.
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Postby Sablebaby » September 20th, 2005, 12:14 pm

Let me tell you what ONE MORE DAY can do!!

I was thinking about posting this after I realized myself that it has been 3 months since I started MF for the first time. I stayed on course for 5 weeks and lost 21 lbs. Felt great!!!

Then I went to Vegas and started eating for more energy and I have never been able to get back on track since!

So, here it is 3 months and I am down 3 lbs from my starting weight of 313. Whoopie do! I have tried restarting numerous times and fail by the end of the day or the next. I WANT to lose weight, darn it. :x

I hate seeing those who started the same time as I did who have now lost 45-55lbs. Wow, that is great and I am happy for you :D , but it stings. :x

I have said for about 6 weeks now that I will start next week. I am sick of the weeks going by and I am not on MF. My tummy is bigger than ever and I HATE it!

So, please go back on MF as soon as you can, don't be like me! I just had a shake and hopefully it won't be my only one for today.
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Postby smiller » September 20th, 2005, 1:07 pm

I am definitely returning tomorrow - mind is made up, no more excuses. I'll post tomorrow and tell how it's going. I actually enjoy the program and the food and the weight loss and don't want to get any further out of control than I am. Thanks for the responses. At least I haven't binged today, just ate normally and not really bad things either, so I'll be ready tomorrow. Thanks again.
Keep looking up, blessings on you, Sheila M.
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Postby smiller » September 20th, 2005, 1:09 pm

Heather, I'll be checking on you too from time to time... Good luck!!!
Keep looking up, blessings on you, Sheila M.
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Postby Lady Bug » September 20th, 2005, 5:25 pm

Hi Sheila:

Yes, do start again. The longer you wait the harder it will be to start "tomorrow". It's a mind game and just remember you are strong!!!!! "Just do it". You will be sooooo happy with yourself.

;) ,
"I am not afraid of tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday and I love today.”

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Postby dlr2424 » September 21st, 2005, 3:58 pm

Smiller............I'm glad you have your answer............YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!!!

Heather............ :hug: :hug: :hug: ...... :nonono: ....let's not join the average JOE who works so hard to deflab only to find it coming back..... :oops: .....i'm right there with you...(well not on MF) .... :huh: .....but on the many other diets I had been on....... :yes: ......Let's be the select few who conquer the "battle of the bulge"..... :yay: .....and spend the rest of our life here on earth in "healthy maintenance"..... :secret: ...... we know how Medifast fits in our life....... :dance: ...how we feel..... :thumbup: ....and how we look... :coach: ...and NO food can feel that good!!!!!!!!!........ :hammerhead: ......this post is directed for me..... :yes: ....I need to remind myself of this as well..... :scratch: .....it is so much easier to gain than lose............as with anything in life.... :huh: ...something worth having takes effort....... :mrgreen: ....Medifast is worth the effort....... :twisted: ......those little food demons need to stay at bay........oh well I could keep rambleing on & on............I really want to say ........ :hug: ........I'm so glad your back with us Heather..... :you: .......You Can Do This........ :bighug: ....You Are Worth It!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Postby martha » September 23rd, 2005, 12:59 am


I KNOW the FEELING!!!!!! since the storm I have battled the same feelings BUT 1 more day is all it takes to do us in.. I know as I have done myself in before just by doing and saying the same thing--1 MORE DAY won't matter.. WE CAN DO THIS!!!! so let's begin today..Let's cross that finish line to our goals :mrgreen: Martha
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Postby Emma » September 23rd, 2005, 6:21 am

Oh you guys - I needed this post!!

Heather - I'm going thru the exact same thing you are. I'll do fine for a couple of days and then I blow it - I've been the same weight for over a month now - what a waste! And it all started when I went on a business trip in early August - I haven't been on track since.

I'm doing this with you guys - today's a new day and we know how awesome MF is. WE CAN DO IT!!

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Postby martha » September 23rd, 2005, 8:15 am


Yes we CAN DO THIS TOGETHER!!!!!! Since hurricane Katrina I just seem to restart and restart daily :x .. I needed this also.. I was packing a few things for Rita(just in case) and decided it was time to STOP this foolishness and get back to what's important--my goals.. There are alot of things happening in my life I have no control over BUT my weight is the ONE I can control if I start being the boss again and not let it control me..I don't feel I can help anyone else with their journey unless I can help myself too.. So that said let's DO IT starting today!!!! I look forward to helping everyone all I can..it's one of the high-points in this life of mine :mrgreen: I plan on melting away some serious pounds this week. ..so let the pounds fall where they may :shock: Martha
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Postby Emma » September 23rd, 2005, 8:38 am

Thanks so much Martha - you're my Medifast Angel!

This forum helps me so much and since I've been so busy lately I haven't been able to visit as much as I want (and since I've been off track so much, I may be avoiding it). BUT I've got to make my health a priority - and I need you guys! So I'm vowing to come here everyday to help keep me on track.

I'm down two shakes today and ready to rock!
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Postby smiller » October 28th, 2005, 12:39 pm

Hi Everyone - I was reading thru the posts and found this one that I started last month. Well, a month has passed and I'm still making excuses and now am back right where I started. So just in case anyone wonders what "one more day will hurt" - one more day turns into one more week, one more month, etc, etc, etc. I probably have enough food for about 6-7 weeks but don't think I'll be able to purchase another month after that but have plans to get the most out of what I have. I'll let you know when I get started and how it's going, UGH!!! Hope everyone is doing well - wondering how Emma and Heather are doing... Blessings to you all, Sheila.
Keep looking up, blessings on you, Sheila M.
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Postby elle4nelly » October 28th, 2005, 2:07 pm


I just noticed U HAVE LOST 1/3 of ur weight?????? can't u go the remaining little 38 lbs????

Seems to me like u've done a tremendous JOB already. I got 100 to go....u got 38lbs. Let's trade!!!!!!!!

Point is Sheila, Just do it! If you dedicate urself by year end you'll be at goal or within 10lbs of it! The choice is all urs!
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