46 days and success

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46 days and success

Postby Helen » April 1st, 2005, 9:41 pm

hi guys. im 23, 5'9 and starting weight as of 2/14 was 240. i weighed in today which is 46 days into it and have lost 35 pounds. so now at 205 and goal weight is 155 by June. i was 150 a year and a half ago and have been up and down 2 times now. this is the last time. im good at maintaining but had a couple of personal relationship problems and the pounds just packed on. i refuse to let myself get to this point again. i come on here everyday and all these success stories are great.

my schedule for those who are curious is the full fast. 5 meals a day and when i need it like now b/c of TOM i have 6 meals. I have 3 shakes a day. my first 2 meals are shakes and then a soup w/crackers and broth (taste great and fills me up for super and then a bar after i work out and my last meal is always a shake b/c by then im tired and want something easy. i enjoy my "food" at my peak hours when im hungry and by late night i lose my apetite. the diet is easy to follow and people are all amazed by my results. i get compliments all the time and i feel good, im positive, my mother is not worried about my health which means a lot to me, and I have to thank God because i ask him for support and get my strength from him b/c i know this isnt me or else ild be pigging out on everything so it has to be He who is greater. And now jobs are more interested in me. my resume was great but people would be turned off when they saw me and that hurt and realized how wrong that is and even though i was hurt i realized how heavy i am says a lot about how i take care of me and that turned a lot of employers off. its sad it is a shallow world but needing to get a job makes me more motivated. its been a long road being big and a lot of hard times and hiding days. but now its all over. thank you all for your support and words of wisdom. means a lot to this 23 year old who see's all of you like mentors and friends. congrats to those that are losing and may God Bless you all. I am Christiban and my prayers to the Pope, and prayers especially for those who are Catholic and are sad during this time.

Stay on Medifast, i went on atkins at one point and lost 30 pounds and it took 3 months and then hit a plateau and i said never again. this is the diet for me if ever i gain a few pounds (i will not allow myself to get past 5-10 pds over my goal weight) and MF is the diet and way of life for people around me. i have my sister drinking 3 RTD dutch at work because she is so busy she doesnt eat at work and want her to be healthy at the very least (she doesnt need to lose weight) and by having her do so i see how great this will be for me when im at maintanence. See you later my friends.

Sorry if im all over the place but want to say a million things b/c i feel like a million dollars.

PS i work out 4-5 a week, walk 30 min or bike which i just started and is hard.
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Postby LilMsTexas » April 2nd, 2005, 6:01 am

Welcome Helen!
I am so happy and proud of such an intelligent young woman taking control of her life NOW and not 10+ years later like so many of us. So many will reply "If only I had started at 23".

Since you are obviously reading all the posts and taking part in your own secret way thus far :D I won't repeat what has been said a million times. The only thing that jumped out at me is that you aren't getting enough meals a day. Even though you are progressing, you could, and most likely would, be losing even better if you were getting in ALL of your REQUIRED meals a day. For the full fast you should be having 6 meals everyday. 5 meals are for the 5-1 plan when you are eating a "real food" meal with the 5 other medimeals. Especially with the workout routine you have...you are not giving your body enough fuel everyday. Short term you are seeing results, but I fear long term you will see decreased energy, health, and weight loss if you aren't fueling your body enough.

Some of the more experienced and trained members/leaders will be on later to back me up or refute what I am saying. Please be looking for "THE DONNAS" and Raederle, 24K, THINKTHIN, Dean, Mike, all the others, (the list just goes on and on) and hopefully Nancy to chime in on this. They are definitely the ones to hear from, but I believe I am steering you in the right direction...they will just go into much more detail 8)

Best of luck to you sweetie and if you ever want a private chat you can always PM me!
Christi AKA LilMsTexas


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Postby doglover » April 2nd, 2005, 6:25 am

I totally agree with LilM. The Quickstart book says for the complete program to have 5-6 meals a day. However, I believe the protocol is really for 6 meals as otherwise you will not get enough nutrition and not only can slow weight loss but hurt your body. I am personally test driivng 7 suppl's a day bec. of calorie concerns. Only for this week. We'll see what happens Sun!

Anyway, welcome! We're glad you intorduced yourself! Congrat's on such great success so far! And I agree, this is the last time I will ever do this! MF for life!!

Have a great weekend!
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Postby Dean0408 » April 2nd, 2005, 7:59 am

Hi Helen and welcome to the forum! :wave:

I have to agree with LilMsTexas and doglover. You really SHOULD have six meals on the total program. One more shake or other meal supplement is not going to hurt you because of the extra 100 calories or so............but if you fail to get the additional nutrients provided in the extra meal........that COULD hurt you.

You don't want your body thinking it needs to save fat and eat up muscle instead.........oh sure, weight will go down, but once you hit your goal and introduce regular food, the muscle will come back and your weight will go back up.

Nancy or a health advisor should be consulted on this of course. We are just giving you information we have read, either in a book or on this forum.

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Postby dlr2424 » April 2nd, 2005, 9:54 am

Helen....First I want to say WELCOME!!!! and CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!
Your perseverence and compliancy is to be admired.... :bow: .....23 yrs. young and a lifetime (God willing) of THINVILLE ahead of you....that's something to be excited about... :bounce: .....not only Thinness but health as well...and the multitude of additional benefits MF provides.....
LilMs hit it right on the money with her awesome reply..... :thumbup: ....
as well as Donna & Dean.....I'm amazed at the additional education we are all taking in at the UNIVERSITY OF MEDIFAST.... :pagesturn: .....and the tuition is free...no financial aid forms to fill out... :yay: .....you gotta love it......okay i'm off the beaten path....I agree you should be having 6 MF meals a day.....now... I don't know about you ...but that was music to my ears... :whistle: .....I don't remember any other diet telling me to eat more & exercise less.... :bouncie: ....Thanks for sharing & keep shakin!!!!


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Postby kassilou » April 2nd, 2005, 10:30 am

Hi, Helen. I wish I had started this at 23. :lol:

Seriously, it is great that you have found this program and gotten going on it with such determination at your age. I got married at your age, and really haven't gotten serious about losing weight since. I had some other issues to work through which I now hope, Lord willing, are resolved, cuz this program is working for me and I don't ever want to have to do this again.

Congratulations on your loss so far! That is great!
To lengthen thy life, lessen thy meals.
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Postby want2Bthin » April 2nd, 2005, 4:37 pm

Great job on the weight loss. Listen to the others and eat more. I was not eating enough in the beginning either. But I do now and I feel much better. I am on the 5 and 1 but you still have to go by the rules. These folks are great to get inspiration and advice from.
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Postby Helen » April 4th, 2005, 4:24 pm

you all are so great. thank you all so much for your words of wisdom. i take only 5 shakes b/cmedifast reccomends 5-6 shakes a day and 5 is pretty much all i can fit it. sometimes i take in 6 but since reading your replies ive been taking in 6 supplements. i did 5 also b/c i read nancy and mike did the same. :D love to you all. and you all are losing big as well.
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Postby Nancy » April 7th, 2005, 9:13 pm

Howdy Helen and a happy welcome to you!

Sorry I have been remiss in responding. We were in British Columbia for a few days.

Yup, everyone here has given you excellent advice.

Your weight loss success is really good and how fun that you are already enjoying the rewarding compliments from others. The additional daily supplement will help energize you during your exercise routine. You are establishing good habits that will improve the quality of your life.

P.S. Mike and I did no exercise when we were a losin', Kiddo!
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Postby want2Bthin » April 8th, 2005, 4:06 am

WOOHOO! Nancy's back! It just hasn't been the same without you Nancy.

:lol: :-P :D
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Postby Nancy » April 8th, 2005, 7:03 am

Thank you for noticing I was away!

We went to a wedding in a little Dutch farming community near the Canadian border and decided to make the hop and a skip via the ferry to Victoria, B.C. to check out the Butchart Gardens in the spring time.

Terry and I went there on our Moneyhoon nearly 35 years ago and we enjoy visiting there every couple of years. I needed to view some beauty - when life gets wonky for me, I need a peaceful place to get renewed.
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