by shawna » January 22nd, 2004, 12:31 pm
Hi everyone!
Today is day 12 and I have lost 9 lbs. Note to all women - don't freak out if you don't lose much around "that time of month." (sorry, boys!) The first 6 days I had lost 7 lbs. and when I got on the scale on day 12, I was kinda surprised that I'd lost only an addl. 2 pounds. But you know...our monthly "you know what" has a huge bearing on I'm going to expect things to even out more after this week. However, 9 lbs. is still awesome in 12 days - whoopie!
I even survived living for 4 days with my parents in their tiny motor home! In a home that size. when people eat - there's NOWHERE ELSE TO GO! But I held firm - shockingly. They were very very supportive which helped.
I have to say too...that my energy is amazing! Once I slid into day 7 or so, I stopped feeling stir crazy about eating for the most part. I feel like I now just expect the shakes and don't really even think much about any other food options. Must be ketosis, huh?
That's it - just checking in. Keep up the great work, everyone! You are all awesome!
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Phil. 4:13