Day 2-An Update

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Day 2-An Update

Postby Signladytf » May 14th, 2005, 3:41 pm

Hi Everyone,

I'm winding down day 2 and so far, so good. I've stuck to the plan and I'm trying everything out before I decide for sure what I like. So far, Chocolate Shake, Chocolate Pudding are at the top of my list.

Weird, though, that I had a very vivid dream last night that I cheated on the plan and ate something I wasn't supposed to...I woke up feeling guilty for something that I didn't even do! Also, I had to go out for a bit this afternoon, and the whole time, I was thinking..."How can I stop somewhere and get something to eat and hide what I've done?" It's wild, the thoughts that run through my mind..

On a positive note, I can tell that the water retention that I had on Thursday has subsided and my rings fit better, and my feet feel better. I have only had to take meds once today for the headache.

Anyone have any words of wisdom?

Happy shaking and slurping!
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Postby Mrsshrinkinglady » May 14th, 2005, 5:14 pm

I also had those kind of dreams when I first started :lol:
I think it is because we are so focused on food at the beginning of our MF journey.
My best advice is to keep busy, eat on time, drink LOTS of water and go to bed early to avoid the late night munchy attacks we sometimes get.
Once it becomes more routine for you to be on the plan it is easier to stop thinking about food and focus on how good you look and feel as you lose!
Hang in there, it does get easier I promise.
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Postby LeeannNH » May 14th, 2005, 6:02 pm

hi signlady

i have had those dreams over the past 3-4 days actually! it is the most awful feeling. even in the dream, im like "oh no i am cheating!!!!" :shock:

i also have this theory that it is sugar withdrawl, considering anything with sugar was my favorite thing and mf is low in sugar. and you know that sugar is in everything--its pretty wild at the grocery to look at all of the foods you would never expect to have sugar, do in some form.

thank you for posting this. you helped me as much as it probably did you by posting it. :D

im gonna try the pudding in when i put in for my next order ;)

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Postby bk » May 14th, 2005, 6:13 pm

before MF i would actually wake up in the middle of the night & eat sweets. i think it is TOTALLY related to the highs & lows of sugar. your dreams aren't really unusual - just check & make sure you're not really cheating unknowingly! (it DOES happen to people. it's called sleepeating).

just remember, you cannot hide what you've done to yourself. and eventually others will notice because you won't be losing weight! i kept my weightloss to myself for about the first month, because i was afraid of failing & that others would know. now i tell EVERYONE - even acquaintances just how much weight i've lost :)

the food dreams will subside! soon you'll be chugging along and be at goal and wonder just how the heck you got there!!!! :)
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Postby Signladytf » May 14th, 2005, 7:53 pm

Thanks for all of your support. I know it is definitely withdrawal that I'm experiencing. I work with an addictions specialist as his interpreter, and I've heard the 12 steps, 12 traditions and everything in between. I do believe that I'm an addict, if not physicially, psychologically, and I have to improve in that area as I improve my physical side with MF.

Addicts dream about using their drug of choice and wake up from their nightmares while going through withdrawal, rationalize their use ("if I don't eat this, then so and so will be upset"), become irrational while experiencing withdrawal (I've been a raving lunatic today!)....thankfully, I can understand it, so it makes it a little easier this time around as opposed to other attempts at weight loss and changing my lifestyle.

I really do appreciate this forum and everyone's support.
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Postby brown1823 » May 14th, 2005, 7:57 pm

Congrats on Day 2! The first 3-4 days are the hardest, but once those are over it gets easier! I love the chocolate shakes too. Keep up the great work.

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