Day two...

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Day two...

Postby letmyselfgo » February 2nd, 2006, 10:12 am

Hi, wow my stomach sure is grumbly! I don't feel too good, does this end? I am getting all 5 meals wich taste good, L&G and drinking all the water. I know the first week can be hard and I am not giving up. Please send encouragement :(

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Postby falisamarie » February 2nd, 2006, 10:15 am

Don't worry the not so good feeling will pass and will be replaced with much more energy!!! Just hang in there usually it is by day 4 that you feel better. If you are really hungry they say to go ahead and have an extra shake or something the first few days (not an extra bar though)

You can and will do this!! Soon you will be feeling much better and shrinking away

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Postby Ashes » February 2nd, 2006, 10:16 am

YES! It gets SO much better. The first couple days are the worst... but don't quit! In a week, you'll forget all about how you are feeling right now, and be so thankful you pushed through!

Don't quit!!!!


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Postby letmyselfgo » February 2nd, 2006, 10:22 am

Thank you for the kind words ladies, I was feeling so alone sitting at my desk at work with the grumbley tummy! My co-worker is eating a bear claw next to me, yikes! I don't want one, I just want to be free from the food addiction, looking forward to feeling better and thinner! I love this forum and will be back often! Smooches!
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Postby MusicalMomma » February 2nd, 2006, 10:22 am

Yep it surely does pass!!! Some take longer than others to get over that hungry feeling. It took me a couple of weeks actually, but I had pretty bad acid reflux before Medifast, so I imagine my grumblies were more from excess acid than actual hunger. I am happy to report though, I'm 17 days in, not hungry and NO acid reflux, heart burn, gas, and all those other nasty gastro stuff. Hang in there's SOOO worth it. Have a cup of hot bullion or some celery, maybe a pickle, they help :)
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Postby Ashes » February 2nd, 2006, 10:26 am

I was feeling so alone sitting at my desk at work with the grumbley tummy! My co-worker is eating a bear claw next to me, yikes! I don't want one, I just want to be free from the food addiction

I understand that completely. Yesterday we had an all staff meeting, and one of my co-workers brought a whole dish full of chocolates. :x

It was ok though, because I just sipped on my water, and felt so proud of myself! Temptation will always be there, but MF really does help free us from food addiction. Me of all people wouldn't believe it, but I'm a firm believer!

(Hopefully next week, I'll be even firmer! ;) )

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Postby letmyselfgo » February 2nd, 2006, 10:31 am

I am so feeling the love on here! :bighug: :bighug: I already feel better!

Ok, I could go a bit too wild with the emoticons, the are so cute!

Have a blessed day all
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Postby letmyselfgo » February 2nd, 2006, 10:44 am

Ashes, oh yeah my office is full of sabbotage! I swear there is a box of Krispy Kreme's on a daily basis. I was never a huge sweets eater, I am more into the bread and butter. I also will be battling my wine addiction through this process. Depression over my ex husband hurting my son and going through a court battle and conviction, hair loss, drinking too much to numb the pain had led to a 53 lb weight gain in 1 1/2 yrs. I will be 40 in August and I am tired of feeling awful, unattractive and sorry for myself! The only person that knows I am on MF is my mom and she is a huge support! She calls me every night, well she always did, but now she asks how my MF went when we talk.

Ok, I need to go make a shake :D
Ciao for now...
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Postby Dayna » February 2nd, 2006, 12:23 pm

You're on day 2 - that's already a victory! The growly stomach can (as I understand it) sometimes be caused by our stomachs "excreting more acid than is needed for the small volume of food intake." (That's from Success in a Shaker Jar). It can feel like we're hungry, even if we aren't. They say an acid blocker can help with this. Also, I find I do better if I space my supplements 2 or 2-and-a-half hours apart in the mornings, because that's when I'm usually hungrier, and then in afternoon/evening I'm able to comfortably go 3 (or even 3-and-a-half) hours between eating. Guess it's just the way my body is wired - hungry in the morning, not so much later in the day.

The first few days can be rough. It felt the same to me as the time I quit drinking caffiene cold turkey (that was a bear of a week! ;) ). Just tell yourself that the yucky feeling is your body being deprived of harmful things, not good things, and know that after your body adjusts, you will feel GREAT. Not just great physically, but you'll feel in control of your life, because you're in control of food, and that's huge. It's worth it! You'll make it! Good for you for venting to the forum instead of giving in to the temptations!

- Dayna
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Postby letmyselfgo » February 2nd, 2006, 12:55 pm

Hi Dayna, that's great advice. I will have to switch it around as I am a night eater lol. I feel pretty good right now, had a shake an hour and a half ago. Gosh I hope I don't have acid reflux, I think my stomach is just use to having a breakfast burrito and mocha in it in the morning and it's saying "what happened, feed me" :dohdoh: Thanks for the reply! Good job on your weight loss, keep it up!

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Postby 5eh » February 3rd, 2006, 7:28 am

oh yes, the first week sucks, big time. I'm not going to sugar coat it, it is NOT FUN. I had a horrible headache on the third day, but the reason why these things happen is because our body is getting used to something new, and you know, we're not built to physiologically change overnight. So changing overnight throws us out of whack and our brains tweak out and our bodies do the same. I'm into my third week now, and I'm doing a ton better and losing.

Keep it up, I know it is a PITA for the first week :)
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