Day three complete--no cheats

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Day three complete--no cheats

Postby petiewheats » February 24th, 2006, 5:53 pm

Actually I have had no cravings what-so-ever, and I am an Ice creem queen!! I don't know if it is my motavation at this point or what. All the food is tasty. I even got the chili doctored up without too much effort. The continued support that is offered on this site is a huge help, I have dieted in the past with very little support and always thought I was tough enough to do it--but I wasn't.
Thank you for your tips, hints, words of wisdom, love and compassion.

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Postby SueInSLO » February 24th, 2006, 6:02 pm

Way to go Paula!!
From one ice cream queen to another!! :tongue:

I think the shakes made with lots of ice keep my ice cream cravings in check.

You're doing FANTABULOUS!! The cravings should stay gone now since you're into the 4th day soon!

Keep up the great attitude and movitation! :yourock:

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Postby falisamarie » February 24th, 2006, 6:10 pm

Great job Paula. The longer you go the easier it gets. Sure food is always gonna be around but with each time you say no it strengthens your resolve!!!

You are doing great

Lisa :heart:
Start date 1/15/06
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