day 3 the test

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day 3 the test

Postby pumkiepoo » October 17th, 2005, 7:52 am

I'm feeling a little nervous going into day 3 because it's Monday, so it's back to work. In the past i have brought snacks with me to work but my job is so fast paced in the afternoon it's hard to remember to eat the snack. I think what i'm going to do is eat lunch as my lean and green before work and then bring a shake and a bar with me and then i'll have a shake and soup when i get home. This is the real test to if i can follow and stay faithful. wish me luck. My unofficial weighin this morning said i was down 2 pounds :-) that will be my inspiration.
<img border="0" src=";10711;88;0;1/c/177/t/120/s/177/k/c624/weight.png">
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Postby Nancy » October 17th, 2005, 8:36 am

Your plan sounds great, Pumkiepoo!

It was :x hard for me to eat on time when I was working at the college, too.

:secret: You know something kinda funny - you'd think that since I work from home (or my car, or my backyard, or from Starbuck's, or Barnes & Noble, etc.) that I'd be able to eat just any time I felt like it but like you, I get involved and :shock: forget to eat. :oops:

:coach: It is needful to eat every two - three hours.

My husband is a real :rose: Prince Charming - he brings my Medimeals and mini meals to me and if he's out and about for the day, I set my :puter: Outlook alarm or my phone alarm to remind me to :toast: slurp or :bib: scarf on time! Maintaining regular re-fueling times is part of the key to successful weight management.

I eat foods low on the glycemic index, eat frequently, and monitor my weight regularly so I can fit into my :dance: leather pants and Unca's :drive: Lotus!
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Postby Guest » October 18th, 2005, 8:42 am

How was day three???? :?: :?:
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