by Kathy » February 22nd, 2006, 5:01 pm
Hello to everyone. I am now on my 2nd day and doing great. No problems with getting through the day except one small temptation when I saw hubby eating chips and salsa, my favorite. . . but I was good and did not give in. I am glad I was able to be strong. I put in my first order and only got the banana and chocolate shakes to try. Then I put in another order and just received it today. I am trying the cranberry mango drink. It sounds wonderful so I will be anxious to try it. I also got the vanilla and orange shakes. I am so excited about the bars. I got the lemon and the fruit and nut. I already tried the lemon because I love lemon and these are great! I used the Medifast program many years ago and lost lots of weight. It was the only thing that worked for me. After reaching my goal I went off the plan and did fine for about 2 years but then I started gaining the weight back. I tried so hard to find another doctor that would do the program but couldn't find one. (That was the only way to do it back then.) I was so excited when I saw a commercial a couple of weeks ago and found that Medifast was available. I started checking into it and put an order in that night. I put my last 2 orders in at the main medifast website but now that I have found this one I will order here. I have checked out several websites and thought this one was so friendly and caring that I thought you guys were "right" for me. I am thrilled to be back using Medifast and really anxious to start loosing the weight again. Oh, I also wanted to say that I am vegetarian so unfortunately not able to use alot of the soups. I love chili, so that would have been great.I did order the robust tomato but it was backordered. Any suggestions for a vegetarian on the program would be great.
Wish me luck!