Thanks Jeanette and Unca
Things are going better today. No headache today and I've managed to take in the smell of everyones lunch today and walk away. One of the girls from work who knows what I'm doing said to me . . . "what would you eat for lunch today if you were eating??"

I gave her the evil eye and told her that she should probably walk away from me right this very minute or she might die!
I've had two close calls after drinking my shakes today. The got the liquid sh*ts and wasn't expecting it so had to come home and change cloths

, thank god I was in my car! Then after this last one it almost got me on my way out the door. They haven't bothered me until today. Should I worry and get some fiber stuff? Sorry, that was kind of gross that I told you all that but . . .
What kind of boullion are you drinking? Everything that I have seen has 900 - 1000 mg of sodium. Isn't that way too much? Also, about those pickles

do they need to be the small ones or can I have a honkin' one?
Thanks so much for being there everyone. You are all good support with your posts. I read them all but don't do a good job of replying.

I'll do better, I promise!!