Day 1

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Day 1

Postby jene115 » February 26th, 2005, 8:27 pm

Yes, ladies and gents, I actually had a Day 1 - finally!!

I just had my 5th meal and I'm working on my third, yes THIRD liter of water. 101.40 oz of water and as many trips to the loo. I have a timer I set in 10 minute increments and I have to drink 12 gulps each time. Silly I know, but I came up with the 12 gulps years ago when I was drinking a gallon a day to help me get it down.

So I've had today:

Orange shake with orange DaVinci SF Syrup
JH Vanilla shake with B52 DaVinci SF Syrup
JH Vanilla shake with grape DaVinci SF Syrup (interesting and not too bad)
Peanut Butter bar (good!)
and I just finished banana cream pudding.

During the day I was semi-craving fast food, but as I said in another post, I counter the thoughts with "that's not part of my life now."

I feel really, really good about this. I'm glad I waited to start today, after I had my "breakthrough."

Oh yeah, I had two sugar free sweet gherkins too. The crunch is a lifesaver. I'm not a sweets or candy eater, but I love salty and crunchy food, so pickles and celery are a godsend.

I'm weighing myself everyday and recording weight/fat/water levels to get a really good idea of how my body works. In just the week, I've been doing this, I gained 3 pounds and lost it (PMS). I can't wait to see what happens the first totally compliant week on MF. I lost 11 pounds my first week back in 1987 on MF, but I was only about 180 then. I plan on losing at least 12 pounds. Let's see how close I get ;)

I will do roll call tomorrow. I'm probably more excited now about this than I was in the beginning. I'm seeing life with new eyes now.
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Postby dlr2424 » February 26th, 2005, 9:16 pm

Oh Jene....YOU GO GIRL!!!!!!.....AAAA+++++ for you today...take it one day at a time...YOU CAN DO THIS....that great little bod inside is screaming to come out and right now it's dancing cuz it's one day closer ...Bikini around the corner

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Postby kassilou » February 26th, 2005, 10:26 pm

Congratulations on getting through day 1!!! I'm so happy for you! It's so exciting to *see* you get started atfer being so frustrated with yourself. You go, girl! You can DO it!!! :cleader:
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Postby smartiegrrl » February 26th, 2005, 10:51 pm

Congrats Jen. I'm really happy for you!! :D :D :D

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Postby THINKTHIN » February 27th, 2005, 6:38 am

Congrats to you!! Way to go! Isn't it nice being on a schedule?

One thing I wanted to share with you is concern about wanting fast food! It's the next best thing to sliced bread for me and I would take my children out to fast food atleast three times a week. Yes, girl... three times, ATLEAST!

Well, I called my health advisor practically in tears and said, "i've had it... I want to be thin again..."! She told me to go rent the movie SUPER SIZE ME! I'm sure you've heard of it. It is about this man who ate nothing but McDonald's for 30 days. Three meals a day. He could eat nothing but their food. He started at 185lbs and reached 210lbs. He was a mess! The movie really got me to thinking. It was really an eye opener for me. I am a single mom of two children in the Navy...and let me tell you, it is really hectic now for me. I am stationed on a ship so my time with my children is limited. I work very long hours and am a cook. So, I would rather take the children out to eat than cook for them due to my schedule. Now, that I've seen that documentary, I have a whole new outlook on fast food. The cravings for it are very strong still and I've done wonderful this whole week. I did order pizza for them and that was my big hurdle. I didn't eat in the same room with them. I made a nice tuna fish salad and ate in the living room. Let me tell you, that was hard... geesh!

I'm only 5'2" and weigh 176 and after having my daughter three years ago... the weight did not go away. I have been put on a mandatory physical education program which makes me train three times a week at work. I also go to a nutrition class once a week which will help me prepare for my maintenance after I reach goal. So, today I am officially down five pounds. Even being it's that ugly time of month for me. So, I am thrilled!

Anyways... I hope you can rent that documentary soon, and I hope that it will help you out in any way. It's so hard when food can make us so happy. But, we can do this... It works... now we just have to work it!!!

Happy losing~

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Postby doglover » February 27th, 2005, 6:57 am

Jene - I am so glad you feel so motivated and ready to take this journey 100%! We are all so proud of you!

On the movie - SUPER SIZE ME - my husband and I watched it Fri night - OH MY GOSH!!! We are not fast food junkies but do like pizza more than anything fast food. But that really changed our thoughts too! WOW! My biggest eye opener was how the main character started to FEEL - depressed, sluggish, tired. Weird!!! I have felt so good these last 3 weeks, I NEVER WANT TO GO BACK!!

Have a great week everyone - keep shakin' :exercise:
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Postby THINKTHIN » February 27th, 2005, 9:02 am

I am so glad you saw all the negative things in the movie too! I was astonished, :shock: blown away, scared to eat fast food! I also have all those weird chest pains and feelings of being sluggish, etc... it hit me hard. I love their salads so I was amazed at all the sugars and yucky junk that is actually in there. Oh, what really got me was the sanitation factor after seeing that disgusting hair he pulled out of his food. I gagged a bit on that one and it wasn't even my food! yuck!

anyways.... i hope everyone who hasn't seen this movie, goes out to rent it. it really put another fact in my brain, why food should not be my number 1 choice of having fun.

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Postby jene115 » February 27th, 2005, 9:10 am

Thanks ladies, forget renting it. I'm going to buy it! Whenever I feel weak, I can pop it in the VCR and "remember" why I don't want to eat fast food! lol
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Postby monkeymom » February 27th, 2005, 9:21 am

Way to go. I hope today (Sunday) is just as successful as yesterday for you. You will feel better and better with every success.
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Postby Guest » February 27th, 2005, 1:08 pm

Well, I'm sorry to say this, but I had to do it, I had to go through a drive thru today.

But it's okay because it was the drive thru for Walgreens Pharmacy, I had to pick up a prescription :roll:

Today is going well. No problems. I am feeling a little weak, but it's Aunt Flo time and I've only had two shakes so far. I usually eat later on the weekend, so it's okay now. I'll have a shake in another hour and be fine.

I just changed up my autoship order. I realize I'm going to get sick of shakes all the time and I ordered soups and chilis to have for lunch during the work week. Having a shake at lunch is hard to do there, unless I'm really busy and work at my desk, then it's great.

So Day 2 is going very well also. No fear, but I will confess there's a lot of head hunger going on. But I only went through Walgreens drive thru, no one elses, promise! :D
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Postby jene115 » February 27th, 2005, 1:11 pm

Oops :oops: that was me above, forgot to sign in. :mrgreen:
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Postby THINKTHIN » February 27th, 2005, 1:28 pm

i am so glad that it was just walgreens! way to go!!!!!
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Postby NikkiNix » February 27th, 2005, 1:29 pm

Hey there Jen,

You had me worried there for a minute you stinker. I am glad it was a wallgreen drivethrough and nothing else. I hate my monthly that is my hungriest time of the month and I hate to say it but that alone makes me want to eat. Comfort food to get rid of the yucks. Nancy suggests the appetite suppresion supps. for this time of the month. I will check it out next month and let you know. Anyway I am happy you are on track I know how hard it is to restart but like you heard many times before just take it one day at a time and if you cheat don't beat yourself up the only way you can fail is if you give up completely. I know you will be wearing those leather pants in no time. I have faith in you if I can do it anyone can do it. It's a continueing struggle but I know you can do it.

Here's to us reaching our goals ;)
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Postby 24KaratGold » February 27th, 2005, 1:56 pm

Alright Jen! You CAN do this. One hour, one day at a time.

And the chili is wonderful, IMHO. I add onion flakes, garlic powder, cumin, chili powder, and some beef bouillon powder, and if I'm feeling especially hungry I toss a packet of Medifast crackers into it. Yummy!

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Postby cthrn007 » February 27th, 2005, 2:20 pm

I am sooo happy for you jene... you sound like a new person and before you know it you will feel & look better every morning you wake up on MF!!! I sure do.... MF has put the skip right back in my step!

That is so cool that everyone is checking out SUPER SIZE ME! I was trying to think of the name of that the other day to post for you!! Great minds think alike!!

We forgot to mention that the guy that went on the fast food "diet" almost killed his LIVER - yep, his liver. He did permanent damage to his organs from eating MCD's....

I think the thing that stuck in my mind from that movie was the fast food that they put in the jars to see how/if it breaks down over time. The McD's french fries looked the EXACT same after several months!!!! I know we all have found a french fry under the car seat before and come to think of it... it did look as good as new. I find it amazing that our bodies can magically extract any nutrition at all outta that stuff. I am sure I have several lodged somewhere in me still from like 1980. :)

I am all about fast/convenient foods too after a long work day on my hour drive home too! But I haven't been back since I saw that movie months ago!!

It is great to hear from you and we knew you had it in you to do this!!! You just had to find it too!!

I am praying for ya!!!

Shake it like ya mean it!!
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