by Nancy » March 1st, 2005, 11:41 pm
I am thankful that many of you have viewed Super Size Me. If it isn't good enough for your heart and tummy, it is not good enough for your kids' either...
Medifast is the ultimate FAST food and it is heart healthy and good for you and for your kids, too.
When you are having a case of the Starvin' Marvins, make your shake in a blender.
Whip it up real big and creamy then add some crushed ice and whirl away - it makes a larger volume.
It was the only way I could make it through my days in the early months - yup, you read that correctly: MONTHS. I had head hunger and I just WANTED a lot more food than a puny little jarful so we whipped 'em up until they were light and fluffy. It filled me up and made me feel safer and more secure. I was a stuff-a-holic before Medifast, Folks!
In my Former Foody Days, if my stomach wasn't stuffed, it wasn't happy so I gladly complied. Now I eat only what I need - not ALL that I want or I would become a member of Blimp City again and not a resident of Thinsville.
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels...
The Formerly FLABulous and Now very Fabulous
Nancy Pettit