Day One

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Day One

Postby stelar » January 18th, 2006, 8:19 pm

Okay, so day 1 is almost at an end. I keep hearing that the first 3 days are the hardest :o but, so far this has been awesome 8) . My energy stayed high & hunger stayed at bay. This seems to be the hardest part of the day & that's cause usually I spend this time snick-snacking. The food is pretty good! This is awesome! Skinny here I come!

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Postby Nancy » January 18th, 2006, 9:49 pm

Stela ~

I am so pleased to hear from you!! It IS harder at night for me, too. I have to be reminded to eat during the day time but when the sun goes down, look out kitchen!

Have some Jell-O at night, herbal tea, diet soda, look at magazines to see what the latest fashion is -skip the recipes! Rearrange your closet and order the clothes by size because you will soon be outta those bigger clothes.

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