A day of despair

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A day of despair

Postby falisamarie » February 21st, 2006, 6:59 am

I really don't know what is up with me today. Last night I had the most vivid dream that I ate pizza and woke up really upset. The dream seemed so real to me that it took me a few minutes to realize it was a dream. This morning on my way to take hubby to work I just broke down and started sobbing and I mean sobbing to the point I could not even speak. My poor hubby has already called from work to see if I am ok and honestly right now I don't know if I am. I am an emotional wreck today. Right now I don't even feel like eating ANYTHING!!! I guess that is better than wanting to eat everything in sight though. This is really scaring me and I hope that it passes soon. I feel as though I will never stop crying and it is hard because my family wants to know what is wrong and even I don't know so how can I explain it to them.

Well sorry for rambling I really felt like I needed to put down in writing what I was feeling and maybe get some encouragement cause Lord knows I need it!

Thanks for listening

Lisa :heart:
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Postby MusicalMomma » February 21st, 2006, 7:24 am

Hey there Lisa :hugblue: I'm sorry you're having such a tough time. You're doing so well and getting victory in an area of your life that you've struggled with for years. The weight is dropping off like gang busters and your body is changing and throwing extra estrogens into the mix. That on top of normal hormal changes monthly can cause a major melt down.

Are you sleeping OK? Maybe a long soak in the tub and a good nap could make you feel like a new woman. I know it works wonders for me :)

I'm praying for you :)
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Postby JustLynda » February 21st, 2006, 7:27 am

Hi Lisa,

Please don't despair.

If I remember correctly, you mentioned that TOM is just around the corner? Don't know about you, but I almost always get emotional just before that time. Also, your body has been going through some extreme changes lately. I'm not a professional counselor, but I imagine that might have something to do with your emotional state.

If it persists, maybe you could talk to one of the health advisors? I'm sure they're trained to support us with our mental, as well as physical, hurdles.

Besides, I think a good cry every now and then ain't a bad thing. Embrace it and enjoy it. They say that crying produces the same endorphins as laughing.

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Postby Ginabobina1969 » February 21st, 2006, 7:27 am

You poor thing! (((HUGS)))

Lisa, could it be close to TOM?

I read and reread your post and I wonder...in the short timeI have been here..I have gotten to know your personality a bit..we're a lot alike from what I have been able to gather, thus far.

Your actually SUCCEEDING at something that you have been telling yourself or believeing, for a long time that...You couldn't do. You ARE doing it. It IS hard. But, your plowing through day by day, making the right choices and it's actually working. Your heading toward the "unknown" ..."thinny" as Nancy sais.
For me, that is exciting and...scary as Heck! Maybe it's the same for you. For me to do this.. I am sorta in my own "zone" I am here at home performing my daily task...but, I am holding everyone and everything at a distance..I am closed up tight emotionally, so that I can focus on the job at hand..could you be doing something like that? Because I know..there will be an emotional crack for me at some point and I may find myself where your at right now.

Also, if were at all alike...lol and maybe we're not but I can only try to figure out what might be going on with you by empathizing and sharing to see if maybe???
I have "hidden" behind my fat for so long....It's scary for me to think about loseing my excuse to stay at home and hidden from the world. People are going to expect more of me...maybe.. I KNOW I will expect more of me. It's a lotta pressure.

Also, maybe your seeing those pounds drop but not feeling much different. I know that I always have felt I would feel so "different" once I did this...or that... and really I think most people don't feel much different. At least, not at first. I think that takes some time.

I know that for me to think about even the possibility that my goals are within my reach...that I finally found the "key" it makes me feel like crying right this second. It's been a long journey searching for that key..you know what I mean?

I hope that makes sense...I hope it helps you to sort out and figure out what is going on but most of all I hope you feel better and that the crying relieves some tension for you ...take a couple of deep breaths, smile at yourself in the mirror Lisa...Your beautiful just the way you are and it's a privledge to be able to get to know you.


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Postby JustLynda » February 21st, 2006, 7:29 am

Great post, Gina. I hope it helps Lisa as much as it just helped me. :)
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Postby lauradr » February 21st, 2006, 7:36 am

Lisa, just think positive thoughts today :D I will pray for you to get threw this
I'm not where I wanna be but, thank God I'm not where I use to be!


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Postby stelar » February 21st, 2006, 7:43 am

:D Lisa you are an awesome woman. :hug: You are one of the most supportive people here & we all appreciate all you do for us :heart: Sometimes it just seems so overwhelming ... I know, I've had times like that too. I don't know the exact reasons why :idontknow: but, like the others I would think TOM, estrogen, shrinking body syndrome ;) would all play havoc on our emotions too. We're all here for you :hugblue: we :heart: you, it's okay!

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Postby mmob » February 21st, 2006, 8:46 am

Hopefully it's the TOM playing it's evil tricks. You are a strong person - try to relax and as the other's said - take a nice hot bath - it will do wonders. You are going through big changes - and that has to affect your body, mind and soul. These are positive changes - I hope you are feeling much better soon!


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Postby 2BHealthy » February 21st, 2006, 10:19 am

Hi Lisa,

I'm so sorry you are feeling down :( My emotions have been a little wacky too, I told my DH last night that I was angry and didn't know why. In the past I would have eaten to make myself feel better. Maybe you are used to eating away your feelings too? For those of us with that issue we have to learn to really feel our raw true emotions and that is so hard! Especially when we don't know WHY we are feeling them. :roll: You are doing so incredible with your weight loss and the others are probably right. It very well may be the estrogen level changing. Anyway, we are all here for you. If you need to vent, feel free even though it might not make much sense to you ;) Chances are one of us have felt that way too. Do something nice for yourself today. A hot bath, some warm tea and a book, a pedicure... something comforting not related to food. Let us know how you are doing later.

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Postby Nancy » February 21st, 2006, 10:40 am

Hey there, Cutie ~

Oh, I join the others and send a :hug: hug and a :angel: prayer your way. You had an "Eatmare" last night and they are very common and yet they can also be rather upsetting when a person has worked so hard to lose the flabber. Look at you! 25 pounds OFF! That's a really BIG DEAL! :thumbsup:

There are many factors that affect us :cry: emotionally and women are not the only ones who wander up and down the emo scale - men do, too; they just don't write about it on the Forum but :secret: they sure tell me all about it. It affects them in different ways but trust me, they are affected emotionally, too.

Vicky gave you good advice regarding medications - when a person has reached the 25-30 pounds-of-fluffy-outta-here mark, often it is time for a check with the doctor regarding medication dosage adjustments.

Some women have a real mean :twisted: :twisted: period or two when they first begin the weight loss program and thereafter, it will be a breeze and the usual cravings and crankiness often disappears for women who have been on the program for several months.

It may be a good idea to mark the calendar with a warning for the family and friends or wear a rhinestone 'crab' pin on your sweater to warn folks to walk gently until the crabby moment has passed. :lol:

I went through an :x anger phase - I was angry at myself for allowing myself to get so out of control with food that I was in such a pickle that it would take months to de-flab, I was :x angry that in all my years of searching for a weight loss program that no one ever told me about the TSFL Program, I was :x angry at all my 'normal' weight friends because they could eat whatever they wanted and not turn into a blimp, I was :x angry about having to say "no" to going out to a movie because I was afraid the :popcorn: popcorn would be too much of a temptation to face, I was :x angry about having to shop for and bake a load of food every Saturday night for the people at church Sunday morning to scarf down - some kinda pastor's wife, eh? THAT anger made me feel guilty and even more rotten in my heart of hearts.

It took me a long while to realize how dependent upon food I had become and when it was taken away, I didn't know how to cope with life. I had to seek new ways of dealing with my frustrations, my emotions, my shrinkage. Once I got thinner, I had to deal with being :x angry that I could never go back to my former flabby self. I still miss eating what I want when I want to so I must discipline myself. Discipline means "to train" and it is is not punishment.

There is nothing easy about this thinnin' or maintaining process for pure foodies. Nothing. It is a daily grind. Medifast is a wonderful tool - it works like nothing else but tools need to be picked up and used in order for them to work. We still have to do the work - every dang day.

There may be some people out there that are young and don't have all the deep-seated icky eating habits established that I do - a lifetime of scarfage is difficult to break - I have not been in Thinsville as long as I have been in Chubbabubbaland and it would be very easy to revert to that former foody way but I like being thinner more than I like being a chubbette and Terry likes being thinner more than he likes to be a Chubber but it ain't no picnic, Folks. We keep our goal ever before us. We monitor our weight frequently and follow the BeSlim Philosophy.

Falisamarie, you are going through a :whip: rough wave right now, the wave will pass and you will come out of it with success and enter into calmer waters.

:stroll: :stroll: We believe in you!

You are on your way to Thinnsville, climb outta the ditch, keep on going - have a Chocolate Shake and check in in three hours! We :rose: love ya! :cateye:
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Postby big ron » February 21st, 2006, 10:46 am

we are all proud of you look what you have done in a short time. :kool: You have to remember to eat spaced 3 hours apart dont skip or you will slow it down. I too have had dreams of food and it drives you crazy but feel happy its a dream and in reality you are winning the battle. Dont despare build on your success :hug: Ron
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Postby FORMOMMY » February 21st, 2006, 11:07 am


I don't think anything I could say will be better than what has been said. You have been a real encouragement and I love reading your posts. Please know that "this too shall pass". You are stronger than you think.

I preface this by saying that I hope I do not offend anyone; but I believe that the Nameless One is trying to push your buttons so too speak. I have gone through a day like this recently and my wonderful hubby reminded me that food is an issue for me and the Evil One knows that. He will try whatever he can to make you fail and to not feel good. Trust in the Lord and he will give you the strength that you need.

I shall say a prayer for strength and peace.
I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. Phil 4:13

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Postby aphrael » February 21st, 2006, 11:35 am


Lots of hugs your way. We are all here to support you though this.

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Postby Nancy » February 21st, 2006, 11:44 am

PLUS you made it thru sterioid withdrawl - one of the WORST things in the world - I know! I am on daly Prednisone and as the level is reduced, it makes ya feel like ya need to be locked up to prevent harming people!

Lisa, you CAN do anything because we know Who strengthens you and He is stronger than any old :twisted: ...Hangeth in there...
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Postby Soon2bFitSonja » February 21st, 2006, 12:00 pm


I sure hope you feel better soon. I hate to know you are feeling emotional right now. I do have to say amen to what Nancy stated above. You WILL pass this emotional state. The great news is it's normal so don't dispare.

You'll be feeling better soon. You have done so very well. 25 pounds is alot of weight especially in such a short time.

Hugs :hug: to you.

Feel better soon.

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