Day 4 and a few questions

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Day 4 and a few questions

Postby mmob » January 26th, 2006, 10:04 am

I know that this information is probably somewhere - I just can't find it fast!

I'm on day 4 and so far so good - scale is down 4lbs - not that I was PLANNNNNING on weighing in today - just felt lighter - mostly water weight I'm sure - but whatever, it feels good.

I have a couple questions though -

1. I know we have to drink gallons of water - does hot tea (I use decaf) count towards this?? It is cold up here and I love hot tea.

2. MUSCLE CRAMPS - OMG - is this from the diet? I have adhesions where my appendix was taken out while I was pregnant 11 years ago - and have had a bad adhesion there that gives me trouble from time to time - but MAN it's been kicking today - so has ever other muscle in my body - my back this from lack or too much salt??

3. Do you HAVE to have a lot of shakes?? Can you have pudding or soup instead - does it matter? I like shakes ok - but it's really hard to crave one when there is a foot of snow on the ground! !LOL

Thanks for any help!!!


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Postby Lauren » January 26th, 2006, 10:44 am

Hey, Maria, I agree with Vicky on this. Pretty much anytime I felt crappy in the first couple weeks, it was remedied with bouillon or fast soup. You could also try having a pickle, good amount of salt there too. Unless you are adding a lot of salt products to your meals, I can't imagine you'll ever be getting too much salt, so it would likely be that your body is depleted.

I don't know anything about post-surgery injuries, but if you are very uncomfortable, you should probably talk to your doctor about it. You may also benefit from certain vitamins, specific to your body and needs, and most of us here take daily vitamins.

Good luck!

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Postby mmob » January 26th, 2006, 11:57 am

Thanks guys - I guess I should clarify - when I say gallons - I don't mean it literally - I don't drink much usually - so even the required amt - is it 64 oz?? Seems like gallons to me - I feel waterlogged!!!

The muscle cramps are less today - but still there - so I am going to have to try some boullion and then order some fastsoups.

I lost another lb so I am really loving this - so motivated that I cleaned my closet and threw out SOME raggy clothes!! LOL -

Thanks again!

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Postby Serendipity » January 26th, 2006, 12:31 pm

I'm pretty sure the 64 oz. is only pure water. You can have the tea, but don't count it toward your water total. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.
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