Day 4 and already...

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Day 4 and already...

Postby Zinkette99 » January 20th, 2006, 2:16 pm

I have lost 5 pounds in 4 days.

Not even 4 days really. I am living day 4 right now. I wasn't going to step on the scale this morning but I am sure glad I did.

Is this plausible?? Can there be something wrong with my scale?? I just can't believe I have dropped that in 4 days. My scale has always been right on the money (unfortunately.) But I still can't believe I am already 5 pounds down.

Sorry I am such a dork. I am just too excited. :D
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Postby Lauren » January 20th, 2006, 2:21 pm

Nope, Zinkette, your scale is not lying! I laughed when I read that because I have TOTALLY thought my scale was wrong for most of this diet so far! The first week I 100% thought it was either broken or just somehow messing with my mind.

The funny thing, I continue to wonder how it's possible. I find that the numbers will continue to drop quicker than your body adapts, like the scale will say that I lost 5 more pounds, but I won't see it in the mirror. I tend to be about 1-2 weeks behind on visualizing it - I'll see a big loss, and then a week or two later I will really notice a different. It's like a lag time!

Whatever the science behind it, just know that the scale is right, and you are indeed losing losing losing!


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Postby stelar » January 20th, 2006, 8:15 pm

Zinkette & Lauren! This is so cool to hear/read. I had to step on the scale this morning :roll: I felt so good, I couldn't stand it! I dropped 3 lbs in 2 days! I don't care if it's water weight ... it's weight! I feel great! I love coming to these boards too. Everyone is just so very nice. And Jan is a sweetheart! This is great!

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