Day 2 and I already messed up :(

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Day 2 and I already messed up :(

Postby upheldwill » February 19th, 2006, 3:48 pm

I started my variety pack yesterday and was pretty blah feeling last night, no big deal I expected it from what i had read here and in the guide. I woke up this morning feeling like every nerve was at the edge of my skin and really irritable feeling, I ate an oatmeal and stayed home from church but decided to go ahead and go to my mother in-laws for our every Sunday lunch...not a good idea...I ended up eating the bread and potatoes along with salad, broccoli, and pork :( UGH!!!!!!!!!!
HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!! :x I am so mad at myself....sometimes I think my food struggles are never going to end :(
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Postby falisamarie » February 19th, 2006, 4:01 pm


These are the experiences we learn from. Jut pick yourself up dust yourself off and keep on truckin. I did not go out of the house to eat until week 3 and even then I was really nervous. Just remember the first 3 days are the hardest and after that it gets soo much easier. Temptation :twisted: will always be there but with every meal you have on program remember that you are that much closer to your goal. Also when you are having a tough time remember Nancy's mantra "Nothing tastes as good as thin feels"

Now get to shakin we are all rootin for you

Lisa :heart:
Start date 1/15/06
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Postby Loribug » February 19th, 2006, 7:16 pm

Look on the bright side, you cheated the first day instead of the third. ;)
At least starting over won't be so painful
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Postby MusicalMomma » February 19th, 2006, 8:00 pm

I know what you did skipped church!! ;) just kidding. Michelle, we're all here because we have real struggles with food. You're human, give yourself a break. Kicking yourself will only lead to further emotional eating. Forgive yourself and make a fresh start. We're here routing for you :) :cleader:
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Postby upheldwill » February 20th, 2006, 9:13 am

Thank you for the encouragement :) I am back on plan this morning...I weigh myself every Monday morning and I lost 2.6 lbs...and I only stuck with it one I was still real happy :)
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