To keep my mind in the
weight loss groove, I downloaded a bunch of weight loss podcasts off iTunes (they're free!
). Listening to them while I'm getting ready in the a.m. or driving or while I'm working out really helps me keep me in the On Plan mindset.
One of the programs recommends writing down your goals every morning before starting the day. I already have enough goin' on in the a.m., but I thought I could post them here on my first break. Hopefully it'll work as well as they say writing them down does.
So, today my goals are:
1. To get up early and exercise - done!
2. To stay compliant and not cheat - so good so far
3. To get in all of the water, MF meals and L&G (I'm bad about forgetting or blowing off the last MF meal after the L&G).
4. To help DH mow the back yard - good exercise!