My daily meals, schedule, etc........

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My daily meals, schedule, etc........

Postby Elimatal » October 9th, 2005, 4:12 pm

Okay Unca, here is everything that goes on with me in a day:
0730-12oz caf. coffee with splenda and sugar free, low carb creamer-1tsp
0800-16oz h2o
0830-1 pkg MF Apples& Cinn Oatmeal w/3/4 C h20, cinnamon & splenda
0900-16 oz h2o
1030-1 MF Plus for Appetite Supression Shake
1100-16 oz h2o
1230-1 pkg MF Chili w/ tomato, onion, and green pepper chopped(1/4C e)
1300-16 oz h20
1430-1 MF Plus for Appetite Supression Shake
1500-16 oz h2o
1630-1 MF Plus for Appetite Supression Shake
1700-16 oz h2o
1830- 2 C Iceberg Salad w/low carb, no fat salad dressing, 5-6oz skinless chicken breast, either baked or cooked on a gas grill, 16 oz h2o
1900-16 oz h2o
2000- 1 Medifast Chocolate Divine Bar

***At least half of the h2o I drink each day is flavored i.e.: Propel Fitness Water, Aquafina flavored water***

I am on no daily medications, although I do take a Vit. B-12 each morning, and I am also on the Depo-Provera Shot for birth control, which I have been on for the past year, so no T.O.M. for me.....

So far, I am only exercising moderatly, as I wasn't getting much physical exercise prior to starting this diet, although I hope to increase to more physical activity soon....

As for stress, I wouldn't say I have any more or less in my life than anyone else--I am a stay-at-home-mom to three busy children, ages 3, 6, and 9...I have a wonderful and VERY supportive hubby

So please tell me, what am I doing wrong???? Please help me!!!!
started medifast 10/01/05-220/200/125

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Postby lauradr » October 9th, 2005, 5:13 pm

Elimatal, I had to not eat the bar at night it slowed my weight loss Nancy said that might be it, so I started not eating a bar at all except when at 2 a few nights ago :oops: I eat oatmeal and that seems to help.
I'm not where I wanna be but, thank God I'm not where I use to be!


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Postby 24KaratGold » October 9th, 2005, 5:39 pm

I'm counting six medifast supplements plus one meal. This is the FIVE and one program, although an extra supplement is to be preferred if one is so hungry one cannot keep oneself from eating something. Also, a bar just before bed, which the previous poster correctly notes can be a problem. You don't want the bar either first thing in the morning or last thing at night, although eating some other MF supplement is perfectly fine before slipping into bed.

Also, no exercise for the first three weeks if you haven't been exercising at all before starting MF.

Don't weigh every day. It drives people nuts, at least at first. Once you are where you trust the program, then it's not a problem. Weights will fluctuate from hour to hour, literally. I can see a 1 to 1.5 pound fluctuation over just a couple of hours. And remember that often when there is a big loss in one week, it can be followed by a much smaller loss -- or no loss -- the next week, as the body adjusts.

This program does work, and it works fast. Hang in there; it's worth it.

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Postby mytime » October 9th, 2005, 6:36 pm

Eli - Great job getting it all down. Now I am with 24 and I would also add - as I am not sure- if you can add those vegetables to the chilli and eat the salad ? Nancy will know. I have not yet exercised - due to lack of time - but think it is a good idea. For the first 2 months I ate my bar at about 2. I have sinse given them up and eat them only on occasion. So I do oatmeal, shake shake shake my 1 and then either a shake or sometimes chilli and crackers in it before bed. Also be careeful and try to stay under 100 oz of water - I think Nancy said you can wash your vitamins away. Hope this helps - you have a GREAT attitude. HANG IN THERE -Mytime
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Postby Nancy » October 9th, 2005, 9:56 pm

Dear Elimatal ~

Your packet spacing and water consumption looks good - You are getting in quite a lot of water - IMHO, a tad bit too much.

I wonder about that Propel stuff you refer to - is it a zero cal/zero carb kinda thingy?

You are picking up some extra carbs with your coffee creamer and that 6th packet and possibly a few more with the onions, tomatoes and peppers added to your chili. I usually opt for garlic, onion and pepper flakes rather than adding a lot of extras to my chili or soups as they are already nutritionally balanced in terms of the protein to carbs ratio.

The portion size for skinless lean chicken should be 7 ounces.

Definitely move the bar to the late morning or afternoon time slot.

I noted that you mentioned you are exercising. If you have been exercising all along, this is probably of no consequence but if exercise is something new for you, we suggest that you wait until the third - fourth week of the program to introduce the exercise component and only light to moderate exercise - 45 minutes max. while on the weight loss phase. Step it up once you reach transition and for weight maintenance.

Forgive me as I have not read all the recent postings – this month is very busy for me but if you are still experiencing hunger, I’d suggest that you have a Tagamet or a Pepcid AC to neutralize some stomach acid – it can be on the prowl down in there making a person feel hunger pangs and growls. When we reduce the volume of food rather suddenly after our stomach is used to dealing with a super-size supper there is a lot of excess stomach acid and it takes a while to rebalance. The hunger that you sense may really be related to excess stomach acid.

Give your body time to adjust to the fat-burning state. It will happen. If you are eating on time, weighing the lean and measuring the green portions and not messing with the proper balance of the protein and carbs, your weight will begin to drop and you'll lose weight.
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Postby dlr2424 » October 11th, 2005, 11:07 am

Eli..........I would check the Propel.........if i'm not mistaken I believe it has additional carbs which could add up........I would stick to nestle/crystal light/aqufina flavored water etc.


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Postby Nancy » October 11th, 2005, 11:15 am

Yeah, I checked it out - 20 calories per 16 ounces...designer water may be tasty but it doesn't always help the hips any, IMHO.
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Postby Gwenski » October 11th, 2005, 12:46 pm

Hey if you live near a Safeway they have this GREAT flavored sparkling water in their Safeway Select series and it has NOTHING in it -- not a thing which is CRAZY!! I kept reading the label and everything was a wonderfully big ZERO -- my mom took a sip when I saw her last and double checked it for me then I grabbed it back and wouldn't share anymore.

They have......ApplePear, CranberryRaspberry, GrapefruitTangerine, WhiteGrape, WatermelonStrawberry and a few others -- something to consider instead of the Propel.

I think you are doing great and what is up with no bars when I get up or go to bed -- that so sucks!!! How long after I get up can I have a bar and how long before I go to bed can I have a bar? Want to make sure I am maximizing my ketosis potential here!!!

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Postby Nancy » October 11th, 2005, 1:40 pm

Yep, that Safeway Select flavored wa-wa is good. And legal.

re: bars...they have 160-170 cals and 21-22 carbs (depending upon which bar you gobble) - way too carby for the first food down the chute in the morning - it will give ya a sugar jolt, spike your blood sugar after a night of fasting so it is best to save it for after you have gotten your morning off to a gentle start and awakened your body with Medifst oatmeal or a shake and gradually upped your metabolism.

I personally wouldn't make it a practice to have a bar after supper time. Most of us are more sedentary in the evening. If you go for an evening walk or dance it up in the family room, go ahead and have it then - but if your weight loss slows down then back off on the bar and have it in the late morning or afternoon. I kind of like a bar around 3 or 4 PM during the slump time of day.
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