by cydj21 » May 28th, 2008, 12:15 pm
During month 1, I definitely lost inches and therefore I definitely notice a huge change in clothing between now and then, but not enough that I've been forced to buy new clothing and no dramatic changes since the beginning of this month. From April 7 to May 7 I lost 18lbs or so and about 2.5" from my hips and 2" from my waist. Since May 7 I have maybe noticed very slight changes in measurements but nothing dramatic...I will take "official" measurements again on June 7.
Today I had a shake for breakfast, about 7:30, a mint chocolate bar at about 10:00, lunch was my L/G and I had two small turkey breast fillets, some fresh green beans and one roma tomato. I will be mixing up some pudding here in a few minutes and I have already put away 3 liters (about 104 ounces) of water and walked 25 minutes at lunch along the canal...a nicely paced stroll, nothing strenuous, but not at a snail's pace either. So there is today so far! That is quite typical of a normal day during the week, and over the weekends I sometimes have my L/G for dinner instead of lunch. If I feel snacky I'll have no more than 2 Claussen dill spears. I do not drink diet soda expect for maximum of one a day no more than twice a week. If I have coffee, I add 2 Splenda packets, no creamer/substitute. To me there is nothing glaringly obvious as far as errors, but perhaps someone else will pick up on something.
Highest Weight - 271lbs in 2006