
Questions/Comments about Weight loss Products.


Postby error » January 27th, 2004, 3:10 am

hey guys.. just wondering where you all noticed the weight drop off first.. was it in your face and chin area.. stomach..etc. i know everyone is different just curious about it. also, is there any reccomendations you all would make BEFORE starting the program. like the first few days before hand should i drink extra water.. not eat as much.. is there anything i can do to prepare my body? :?: :?: :?:
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Postby finalstraw » January 27th, 2004, 7:00 am

I am only on day 10, I can't really tell a difference anywhere yet. If I had to guess I would say midsection, but there is so much there I can tell more in my clothes than a visual.

The first few pounds will definately be water weight, but this is good also, your rings and shoes will get looser and if you are prone to always being hot, you want always be hot anymore.

I did not (didn't think about it), but alot of people on the board cut sugars and high carb foods to get thier bodies ready.

Good luck! :D

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Postby Kimbob » January 27th, 2004, 8:43 am

I'm weird, but I always lose weight from the ground up. It's frustrating for me, since I tend to carry most of my weight in my upper body. There's always a size differential between my lower half and my upper half, so dresses have rarely been part of my wardrobe (they either fit in the hips and smoosh my chest, or they fit on top and hang about my lower section like a tent).

They call my body type an "apple" type. Women who are slenderer up top and wider in the hips are called "pears." Then there are those lucky women with the "hourglass" figures (like BonitaGirl, what a cutie!). I think that we each lose weight in different places first based on these types, and most likely the opposite of where we would most like!

As far as preparing yourself, we've all been different about that, too. Some of us went low carb for a while in advance to help prepare. Me, I just stuffed myself sick on spaghetti the night before!

Your idea about water is a good one, though, because water is ALWAYS a good thing :) .

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Postby SneezyKitten » January 27th, 2004, 10:00 am

I am somewhere around the two week mark and I have notice it in my face, upper abdomen, and waistline. But eventually it will come off from everywhere because you "can't NOT lose the weight!" :lol:

I did as mentioned above and nixed the sweets and starches for about a week before beginning but I did not do it to prepare my body, so much as I did it to prepare myself mentally. Ultimately, I don't think it makes a major difference because this program is so well designed. You'll be downing 64 ounces of water a day whilst Medifasting so you might as well start drinking now. As said above, water is always a good idea, even when not dieting. It took me about three days to be able to build up to 64 ounces. So the sooner you start, the better off you'll be!

You're gonna do great!

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Postby Jeanette » January 27th, 2004, 10:26 am

For me, it was:

Face, chest (lost a cup size--BOO!!), and believe it or not--arms!

I have lost several inches in my thighs, because I can now cross my legs most of the time!!
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Postby Starloser63 » January 27th, 2004, 11:04 am

Dear Error,

What is your name? I thought it posted somewhere as Lisa is that right. Or was that someone else. It's hard to remember.
Anyway, I am on day 8 and I can't tell, but my husband said I was looking thinner :!: . I know he looks at me way more than I look at myself. I did not measure, I think I will do that today. Best of luck
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Postby error » January 27th, 2004, 2:05 pm

drinking sixty four ounces of water isn't hard for me. sometimes i do it and don't even notice it becuase we have those sixteen ounce plastic party cups around, and four of those is sixty four.. i just hate going to the bathroom all of the time.. that's the only thing that annoys me :?

i'm hmm.. i'm def. a pear. my upper body is fine with me.. i just hate my big fat thighs. when i was dieting before with the good ol low calorie rigerous exersice prgram.. i first lost the weight in my face and entire stomach, then i got angry and started biking about ten miles a day and it FINALLY came off of my hips and thighs. but it was great fun when all of the weight came back :x so i'm guessing that kimbob you're right.. we all lose weight in the places that don't really bother us all that much first :|

today is tuesday and i think my first order will be here on thursday or i'll start chugging my water. thanks for all your help guys :-P
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Postby Ellen » January 27th, 2004, 4:06 pm

I noticed my weight loss first from my face and midsection, but then after a while, I felt that it sort of evened out and redistributed.

My husband is a great guy and constantly tells me that I look thinner every day. I know he is BS-ing me, but what the heck, it sounds good. Today is only my second day back on the plan and sure enough, he says this morning that he thinks he can see a little difference already. He's goofy but it really does help to have someone telling you these things!

As for the potty trips, my husband has a theory on that too. He says that the fat has to go somewhere, and all these extra trips to the bathroom is just our bodies' way of flushing out the fat. Every time we make that dash, we're sending a few more fat particles away. I know that physiologically this isn't quite true, but it is a nice way to think of it!!

I think that the best thing that you can do to prepare yourself is to psych yourself up mentally. This game is fought on the hips but won in the head. The more you can mentally prepare yourself, the better. Reading these boards is a great thing to do and then muster up a buch of determination and jump in. There are lots of great people here to help with the hard parts!

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Postby Kimbob » January 27th, 2004, 4:41 pm

...the fat has to go somewhere, and all these extra trips to the bathroom is just our bodies' way of flushing out the fat. Every time we make that dash, we're sending a few more fat particles away. I know that physiologically this isn't quite true, but it is a nice way to think of it!!

It's truer than you think! Fat, toxins, all that stuff is definitely being flushed away each day. While the fat isn't literally "melting," it is being utilized by your body for fuel and the waste products are being eliminated along with everything else.

Isn't that exciting? It definitely makes those trips to the bathroom a little more bearable to think about it :)

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Postby finalstraw » January 27th, 2004, 4:59 pm

I agree with Kimbob,

Part of being in Ketosis are the Ketones (which are a by product of fat being metabolized) being exited through the kidneys.

When dieting - peeing is a GOOD THING! :D

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Postby error » January 28th, 2004, 7:08 pm

kimbob you make me laugh. 'kimbob the red delicious', that's the greatest thing i've heard in a while.. thanks ahaha :hug:
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