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Postby LisaLisa » October 26th, 2005, 1:21 pm

Are cucumbers consider as freebies?
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Postby Jan » October 26th, 2005, 3:01 pm

Hi Lisa,
I would treat cucumbers just like pickles-- freebies
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Postby dlr2424 » October 26th, 2005, 4:18 pm

I just need to add my 2cents here..... :dunno: ... When I here the word me it means as much as you want.. :whoohoo: ..go to town type... :yes: as to not confuse those of the same thinking (stinking,thinking) as myself... :hmmm: ...would you say freebie would be a limited amount?..... :hide: .....sorry I'm just so analytical and factual at times..........and I wouldn't want someone's very hard work be messed up with to much of a freebie...... :huh: ......I've been there done that ...... :brickwall: ......


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Postby Jan » October 26th, 2005, 8:52 pm

You are sooooo right Donna. A freebie is not a license to pig out -- it just means you can have the prescribed amount per day and not have to count it on program. Sooooo for cucumbers -- probably one would equal a pickle. Can't eat a whole basket full :lol:
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Postby dlr2424 » October 28th, 2005, 8:22 am

Jan..... :rose: .....thank you sooooo much for that worded it perfectly....... :yes: ......."A freebie is not a license to pig out"..........that's the stinking thinking I need to change..... :huh: .....limits.... :roll: ....not limitless........ :scratch: ........portion control...... :hmmm: ...I've discovered that I dislike LIMITS when it is not in favor of my selfish desires.... :hide: childish of me...... :hammerhead1: .....I need to reprogram my thinking.........LIMITS & PORTION CONTROL.... :no: ....are not always INSTANT GRATIFICATION........ :yeah: ......however........will pay off big time with many benefits ........ :bouncie: ...........


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