Crystal Light Pops

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Crystal Light Pops

Postby tink » May 25th, 2005, 1:47 pm

I just wanted to share that I have started making Crystal Light Pops and they are SO good! I was at Dollar General just rambling around and I saw some plastic popsicle molds. I bought a set and poured my CL in them and presto. I have one or two at night and it feels like such a treat.

Also, I was talking to a friend who does MF and I was telling her I needed to go get my MF out of the freezer. My friend was confused and said out of the "freezer"! HA They are so good that way. I have turned my friend on to it now. I have a glass blender so when I make up a shake I just put the whole thing in the freezer until it is nice and slushy. I plop down on the couch and eat it with a spoon. :mrgreen: YUMMY!
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Postby dlr2424 » May 25th, 2005, 2:51 pm

Tink........i'm right with you...........I use a little less water and YUMMMMMMMMMM......... :bib:

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Postby DonicaB » May 25th, 2005, 6:55 pm

Tink~Crystal Light pops sound great. Now why didn't I think of that?? :scratchhead: I will have to go find a mold and get busy making some of those.

Hey~~does that count as water intake? :huh:

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