Creamer Revisited - Out of Ketosis?

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Creamer Revisited - Out of Ketosis?

Postby StrivingSister » March 9th, 2006, 7:18 pm

Okay Medifasters...a bit of advice:
Do Not. I repeat DO NOTuse lite non-dairy creamer in your aHwa or shay! I should have heeded Nancy's warning about it being made with corn syrup solids.

Three days ago I had one cup of coffee with one tblsp of LNDC and was mildly hungry but thought nothing of it. Then yesterday, I had two cups of coffee, each with a tblsp of LNDC...soon after that I was HUNGRY! I had a kind of "aching" hunger, [not really a raveonous (sp?) hunger, but hunger just the same] from mid-yesterday until this evening. The only thing I could attribute it to was either the LNDC or the fact that I overdosed with the 0 cal 0 carb SF salad dressing by Walden Farms. I have a strong feeling it was the creamer. (BTW I will try to limit myself to a SERVING of dressing next time!)

1. What are the signs you are out of ketosis? Is there a level of severity?
2. Hunger and a bit of tiredness is what I felt (for approx 36 hours). Do you think it was just hunger or was/am I out of ketosis? (BTW my weight has not moved since I've been drinking the coffee - even though I increased my water intake).

This experience has made me appreciate the delicate balance of this Medifast program. Just one small, unintentional addition of sugar threw me for a loop (i think it was the sugar, anyway)! What about if this was a "full blown" cheat? I don't think I could have handled it.
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Postby falisamarie » March 9th, 2006, 8:06 pm


I am not sure if it knocked you out of ketosis or not. If there is sugar in the creamer my guess would be yes. Stick to the program and see how you feel in the next few days. Remember if you have to give up the creamer for now it will still be there when you are on maintenance. I know it is hard togive up those things we love but the end results are worth it.

Lisa :heart:
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