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Postby electra000 » May 3rd, 2006, 10:31 am

I am having a bad day. :x I started over AGAIN on Monday and I have stayed on program completely. I have not got on the scale yet. The problem I am having is I have this voice in my head encourageing me to cheat. :secret: Does anyone have a good twin :) and a bad twin :twisted: that fight with each other or am I crazy? It seems like a constant struggle to tell the bad one to shut up and listen to the good one. :stickwack: Just wondering?
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Postby MusicalMomma » May 3rd, 2006, 10:51 am

I'm crazy right there with ya! Honestly, I always say that I have an evil twin and her name is Rejoyce....then I say "Oh, Rejoyce must be the GOOD twin cuz she's positive all the time, so I MUST be the evil twin!" haha!

It's a struggle, I know, but it's something we CAN overcome! Someone said "where the mind goes, the man follows"'s based on the proverb "As a man thinks in his heart, so is he". It's really true tho. If ALL I can think of is Pizza and NEVER stop mulling that thought around in my mind....guess what I'm gonna eat????? YEP! Pizza!!!! So I need to reprogram my mind! I even say out loud "I DON'T WANT TO CHEAT", "I LOVE MEDIFAST", "I LOVE EATING HEALTHY", and I keep saying it until the URGE passes. I don't always succeed, but it usually works for me :)

Hope that helps :)
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Postby Serendipity » May 3rd, 2006, 10:59 am

Yes, I had that other voice before Medifast. The day I started Medifast, I got a restraining order against that voice. She's not allowed within 50 miles of me. Haven't seen or heard of her since. :mrgreen:
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Postby FORMOMMY » May 3rd, 2006, 11:06 am

JO - from one Steeler fan to another - you crack me up!!!
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Postby electra000 » May 3rd, 2006, 12:38 pm

Thank you Joyce and Jo! I love this forum and the encouragement I get from you and reading the posts ! I am going to tell the other voice to take a hike !! I am going to refer to what you said Joyce many times when my evil twin is trying to come out !! Glad to know I'm not too crazy ! Thanks! ;)
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Postby Arklahoma » May 3rd, 2006, 1:39 pm

I do have problems with the voice from time to time. Yesterday, after my Starbucks Latte debacle, I went through the kitchen and was dead set on cheating since I had already gone off-plan. Thank God, I cleaned out the kitchen before MF started so there was nothing appetizing to cheat with. I hope you have better luck with your evil twin.
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The voices in our heads

Postby xwoman » May 3rd, 2006, 2:10 pm

I look at this as the same as when I quit smoking...which I will admit took many starts and stops. I finally did quit and quit wit the knowledge deep inside I will never smoke again. For me getting sick and not being able to breathe helped with that decision. I always think back to a quote Robin Williams said in a film "There arre two kinds of people in the world, smokers and non smokers, decide whic one you are an d be it" I am waiting on my product which was suppose to be here my family an I have gone out to eat a normal, last night we were at a buffet, I counted in a group of 120 there were 4 people at good weight, every other last man , woman and child was over weight. What I have put in my mouth over and over has caused me to be 260 lbs, unhealthy, moody, feeling every pound, eating food got me here. I KNOW once this weight is gone I will not return as sure as I know I will not smoke. Mc Donald's just won't be a part of my life. I love donuts in a passionate deep down level, they are it for me, as I ate one today I realized the love is gone, it's like I am so aware that this is one of the foods I am saying good bye to, and that it great. I now get the Nothing tastes as good as thin feels. So don't cheat, if you stumble get back on , and tell the voice to go perch. Be who you are, be who you want to be. Be healthy, there are two kinds of people in the world...find which you are and be it. When you want to cheat ask, out loud, who am I, I will be______. YOU CAN DO THIS AND YOU WILL SUCCEED.
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Postby wildtrk » May 3rd, 2006, 2:29 pm

I have an evil twin that will try to derail my attempts at dieting and other things in life. Obviously dieting is mind over matter, you won't be successful at it unless you want to be successful. I know, sounds easy, but we all know it isn't. I have given up some very tough habits in my lifetime. I quit drinking and "other things" over 18 years ago (determined that if I wanted to live to see 30 it would be best that I stayed sober) and last Thanksgiving I decided that after 20 years of smoking cigars and cigarettes I was done with that habit. I finally decided that I wanted to live to see my 4 year old graduate High School, and heaven forbid, possibly even college. There are days that it is tough, but I have discovered that the voices are most strongest when I am in a "trigger" situation. I've quit drinking for so long now that I don't even remember what the triggers were, it is second nature for me now. I just know that drinking is something I don't do anymore. But for smoking the triggers are still there. It may sound funny, but I would go out to the garage every evening for a nightly smoke before bedtime. Now, when I go out to the garage for something as simple as a diet coke or to take the trash out late at night I have a physical urge to want to smoke. Same with food...I am almost at my 3 week anniversary and so far I have had exceptional mind over matter. I have been in some difficult situations where there is food all around me and I have stayed strong but the voice is there telling me "one little carmel left over from Easter won't hurt." For me I could have "one" is tomorrow that I worry about. Same with drinking and smoking. I could have one drink or cigar today and stop with no problem. However, I can't promise that I will stop at one tomorrow or the day after. Dieting is a slippery slope, but like anything, if you want it bad enough you can get it. So surround your self with "good triggers" A picture of you that you absolutely hate because you think you look hideously large. A picture of yourself, if you have one, when you were at a desireable weight. Pictures of your kids to remind you that dieting isn't a "me" thing. I am doing it because I started my family late in life and need to live as long as I can.

I know I have rambled, and may have strayed a few miles off-course from the orginal topic. But hey, some days they call me "butter" 'cause I can get on a roll! :mrgreen:
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Postby electra000 » May 3rd, 2006, 2:37 pm

Wow ! Thanks everyone for your help and support. After reading your post I now feel POWERFUL over my other voice. I am going to be stronger and not let it win. Terri
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Postby summerblue » May 3rd, 2006, 2:46 pm

My husband and I are both on MF - what we call that voice is


when I get that 'voice' I stop, close my eyes and ask myself, if my stomach hungry or is it my HEAD!

99.9% of the time - IT'S MY HEAD!

It's gotten much MUCH better, i don't get that as often anymore aftering being on this program for a month now!

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Postby thefinest » May 3rd, 2006, 4:01 pm

Hey, there are LOTS of steelers fans on this board! I live in Pittsburgh as well. GO STEELERS!

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Postby dede4wd » May 3rd, 2006, 4:17 pm

Wildtrk, loved your post!!!

Yes, I have the voice in my head. It is a 5-year old saying "why why why can't I have that, I want it I want it I want it!" I treat it the same way I treat all children...ignore it! I got a restraining order, just like Jo and I threatened to call CPS!

Good luck! I like the idea also about "head hungry." Your head can be hungry when your body isn't.

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Postby MISSANNE » May 3rd, 2006, 5:04 pm

Loved your post, WILDTRK

I think we all fight thoses voices whether its food, alcohol or cigarettes, decisions, anything.
Cigarettes are 1 of those for me that are no problem. I will smoke for 2 months.stop for 1 month. No smoking during the week, but will when out drinking with friends. No big deal, for me.

Food....different story :cry:
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Postby falisamarie » May 4th, 2006, 8:02 am

wldtrk~Great post :bravo:

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Postby jump4joy » May 4th, 2006, 10:30 am

Hang there Terri! Don't let it psyche you out that you had to do a restart....been there, done that. I had to do a restart yesterday because I was very sick. Life happens and all we can do is jump right back in...right where we are today...NOW, this moment.

I call my "voice" my inner BRAT....Joycie. She's about 8 or 9, and she wants what she wants WHEN she wants it! :x I learned about her from thebratfactor dot com, and it's been very eye-opening for me. She's the one who thinks she deserves a goodie or treat for rewards, or doesn't want to go to bed on time, or procrastinates responsibilities by wanting to have FUN instead.

I've got a few books that talk about head/heart hunger. I'm glad you brought that up, Mara. We need to learn where our subconcious "voices" and urges are coming from. Self-awareness is KEY to overcoming our bad habits. I'm doing a lot of inner-work this time so that I DON'T regain the weight again once I lose it.
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