Crazy jean sizes

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Crazy jean sizes

Postby kmr » September 29th, 2006, 12:43 pm

Did anyone else notice that the jean sizes vary tremendously these days. I have tons of jeans in various sizes from 4-16 that I've kept over the past 5 years. Well, when I started M.F. I was a 16, then I started wearing my 14's which are getting very loose. I was shopping at Walmart the other day and for the heck of it I tried on a pair of size 10 average jeans (regular-not stretch) to see how much further I had to go until I could possibly fit into them. To my surprise they went right on and fit PERFECT. Now I know I'm NOT a size 10 yet. But I had to buy them just because the tag says size 10 :lol: I was even making sure all the tags everywhere on the jeans inside, outside, and on the hanger matched because I couldn't believe it. Now today I put on a pair of my OLD size 12's and they fit good except a little snug in the waste (because that is where all my fat is) but not uncomfortable. I have to say my "muffin tops" are really shrinking! I haven't lost that much weight so far. I've only been on M.F. for 2 1/2 weeks. How do the sizes fluctuate SO MUCH?
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Postby Serendipity » September 29th, 2006, 1:13 pm

Well, they made the sale. If that particular pair of jeans had been marked at size 12 or 14, you wouldn't have bought them. The manufacturers have our number......maddening, but I fall for it, too.
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Postby Prancer » September 29th, 2006, 1:23 pm

Right now I have 3 pairs of jeans that fit ok. One is apair from Lane Bryant size 22, one is a pair from Fashion bug size 20 and one is a pair from walmart size 18. All I have to say is DUH.
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Postby kmr » September 29th, 2006, 2:22 pm

Actually Jo, I still would have bought them because like I said they fit PERFECT. I haven't had a pair of jeans fit me that good in along time. I was shocked. But it is nice buying a pair of jeans that fit great and have the size 10 tag on it. :D
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Postby xwoman » September 30th, 2006, 12:00 pm

Funny thing about those jeans, I oh so remember the size 7/8 I bought 10 years ago. I was SO not a 7/8. I have bought on ebay 5 pair of jeans, all the same manufacture LAWMAN jeans. I have 15/16 13/14 11/12 9/10 and one pair of 18 that are my first goal. When the weight stalemates, I will use the jeans and how they fir to get me through.

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