Sorry to hear you are having a tough time so far.........Donna is exactly right.......everyone is different and time frames for settling into the plan will be different too.
I hope you are taking advantage of the boullion, celery and pickles for those really bad times.
You mentioned cravings/hunger. To me these are two different animals. Heck........I get cravings sometimes right after I eat and I am not even hungry. Being hungry is not a pleasant feeling, but if you are used to eating a lot and eating anytime you want (as most of us are), then the hunger part is understandable. Your bodies are saying "Hey.....what the heck is going on? I am used to a limitless supply of JUNK in my stomach......and I will make give you hunger pains until you start sending me junk again!"
Well, after a while your body gets tired of complaining and sees that what you are doing is actually good for it..........and will make it feel better and last longer.
If your wife says she is hungry.........don't say you are hungry (even if you really are hungry) By not saying you are hungry, you are actually giving her (and you) support. Nothing makes you hungrier than to sit around with another hungry person and whine about being hungry........hehe
Instead, change the subject......drink some water and do something together that will get your minds off food.
I promise.........stick with it and the hungries will go away.