Cravings!!! (Food Mentioned generically.)

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Cravings!!! (Food Mentioned generically.)

Postby ladyblue » April 20th, 2004, 10:34 am

Hi all! I'm new here and to Medifast. Here's the question... :?: I'm doing really well with the plan so far. I'm on day 5 and am not really hungry. The problem is I am craving certain hot and spicy things. Oh tell me this will pass and I soon won't care about the taste satisfaction thing. Here I was all smug because I wasn't hungry and WHAM all of a sudden everything sounds so good. :? Is this just a typical phase?????
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Postby Nite Izes » April 20th, 2004, 10:53 am

hello Ladyblue

My biggest problem is I have to cook for the family and taste the meals for flavor and that is difficult for me. I am not on a complete liquid program and there are some food in my intake that prevents cravings from happening and I still lose weight. I have a small yogurt and that usually takes the urges away for me and drinking a lot of water. If you are on a full liquid program, have you considered doing it gradually at a slower pace.
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Postby Carrie » April 20th, 2004, 11:09 am

I would suggest using the MF chili. I spice it up with plenty of chili powder and some hot sauce .... just enough so that my eyes water when I'm eating it!
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Re: Cravings!!! (Food Mentioned generically.)

Postby explorthis » April 20th, 2004, 11:23 am

ladyblue wrote:I am craving certain hot and spicy things. Oh tell me this will pass and I soon won't care about the taste satisfaction thing.

Is this just a typical phase?

Understand from the brain's perspective - it does not know what happened. All of a sudden you go from eating everything you want all day, anything you want to a big fat ZERO. Brain says what happened? Me hungry. Me want. Me crave. Me make you eat!

There is no magic cure for the “cravings” I can tell you this, the magic incentive occurs when you actually see weight coming off. You then realize what you are doing is working. The longer you go without specific items, the less you crave them. Sort of like a habit? I did in fact lose the craving for sugar. Hard to believe, Sugar now, even 226 days later has no appeal for me. I did not lose the craving for salted things, hot or not.

As the weight comes off, you see the transformation. The brain will catch up, and play along. Medifast is actually working, the cravings become second nature. You will NOT want to jeopardize your progress for that “minute on the lips” thing, because you know how far you have come, and you know how you got there/here in the first place.

Cravings will not magically go away, but they will subside.

Be faithful, it will help, I promise!

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Re: Cravings!!! (Food Mentioned generically.)

Postby TypingTrish » April 20th, 2004, 12:01 pm

explorthis wrote:[ I did not lose the craving for salted things, hot or not.

Mike, what did you do to help with the salt cravings? This is my biggest problem too. I NEED something salty NOW. :help: I feel like a few olives might even help!

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Postby Carrie » April 20th, 2004, 12:05 pm

Drink your boullion or eat some pickles. It does help.
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Postby ladyblue » April 20th, 2004, 12:12 pm

Nite Izes wrote:
have you considered doing it gradually at a slower pace.

Hello Nite Izes,
Thanks for your reply. I am on the 5 & 1 plan, and I am trying to stick 100% to the recommended meal. I actually am thinking of going on the complete plan for a while to eliminate my choices. It sounds like you've found something that works for you. Good going! (My whole family thinks they've been put on a diet. :? )

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Postby ladyblue » April 20th, 2004, 12:15 pm

Carrie wrote:I would suggest using the MF chili.

That sounds like it just might fit the bill. I am going to have to order some extra things I think. :) Thanks for the great suggestion!
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Re: Cravings!!! (Food Mentioned generically.)

Postby ladyblue » April 20th, 2004, 12:19 pm

explorthis wrote:

Understand from the brain's perspective - it does not know what happened. All of a sudden you go from eating everything you want all day, anything you want to a big fat ZERO. Brain says what happened? Me hungry. Me want. Me crave. Me make you eat!

Mike, has anyone told you lately that you are awesome? What a true motivator you are! Thank you so much for taking the time to reply. :D

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Postby explorthis » April 20th, 2004, 1:16 pm

This is my biggest problem too. I NEED something salty NOW

Trish, Carrie hit it smack on the bouillon cube! This is want you need. I again was real lazy, and wanted ease.. I got the regular old cubes. It said 1 per cup of water. I have a LARGE beer stein (from my prior life) Every evening I nuked 2-1/4 cups of hot water and added 4 cubes into it while it was heating. Once hot I added some cut up celery (about 2 stalks) to make it like a faux soup, and a ton of pepper to make it like Carrie likes – tears to my eyes. This as my dinner while the family was eating.. After a Medislurp, and this, I was content for the evening – every evening. This helped with those cravings. Now, I am not advocating more, but some days – hunger-a-plenty I would nuke a cup of water here at work, and have a couple extra cubes. I was not really concerned, spite sodium rules about salt. I KNEW what I was consuming. If I “retained” as you ladies do, I was not overly concerned, cause with the amount of water I drank (AND STILL DO) I did many a wee-wee dance (AND STILL DO) to rid me of the extra salt.

Mike, has anyone told you lately that you are awesome? What a true motivator you are! Thank you so much for taking the time to reply

Ms. Blue, thanks for the compliment… All I want is for each one of you to feel what I do. Yes secretly, as I was telling my Mom (my 100% unbiased supporter) this morning I like the feeling of helping, who wouldn’t? However my main reason for remaining here is I have done it. I have gained the new feeling. If I can help just one person succeed, then it just makes it all the more worth it. I may shoot a big gun from the hip, but I was never a back seat driver. I just want all of you to feel Medi-foric!

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Postby TypingTrish » April 21st, 2004, 6:43 am

explorthis wrote: smack on the bouillon cube! This is want you need.


I just don't think I can muster up the tastebuds for bouillon! :tongue: I guess I'm reminded of the "old" days as a child when my mother used to buy that stuff and fix it. :|

Plus, other than hot chocolate, I'm not very good with hot beverages at all. As appealing as you made your bouillon sound, if I have soup..I want crackers to go with it LOL

I did buy me a jar of dill pickle spears last night and had one. WOW...that cured my salt craving!

Thanks for the tips!

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Postby explorthis » April 21st, 2004, 7:01 am

TypingTrish wrote:I just don't think I can muster up the tastebuds for bouillon! I guess I'm reminded of the "old" days as a child when my mother used to buy that stuff and fix it.

I resemble this situation... My Mom was additionally a Bouillon-ette, so it was not my 1st, 2nd, or 3rd choice.

However, call me back in about 4-6 weeks. You will find this is about the only thing, other than taking up stock ownership in Claussen, or Vlassic and literally consuming a jar of pickles a day.

My problem (due to past will power) as I have said before: Just like Ruffles - know the commercial? You can't eat just one? Some are different, most are the same - no control - like me. I was deathly afraid of the chain reaction. I went from the 3-Big-Mac lunch to 4-5 shakes a day. To get my fill of sodium, and Triple-Mac equivalent, I think I would have had to have my own Dill-Farm.

I opted to tune the ol pallet to the bouillon, it worked...

Either or.

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