
Questions/Comments about Weight loss Products.


Postby star85 » January 15th, 2004, 5:18 pm

Hey Everyone,
I had to come to the boards to distract myself for a minute. I was just making buttered rye toast for my son and it smelled soooooo good! I just stopped, took a deep breath, and thought about all the reasons I have for losing the weight and all the public events I'll be going to in the near future and thinking, "I want to look and feel good when I attend all of them." I also thought about what my husband always tells me, which is, "Once you reach your goal weight, all the foods you like will still be around to eat in moderation." Well that's it for now. The latest weather report here in New Jersey went from -15 to now -25 degrees tonight. It's going to be a cold one! Well thanks everyone for helping to distract me fom my craving! Bye.........

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Postby Marci » January 15th, 2004, 5:23 pm


Nice save! I'm glad you didn't have a bite and you stopped to think about why you are doing this. Man, I'm glad I'm in California where the suns not shining but I'm not freezing my big ol' butt off! Stay warm! :D
Marci :D

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Postby finalstraw » January 15th, 2004, 5:48 pm

I am expecting my 1st shipment tomorrow and it is good for me to read post like this so that I know, there will be a day when a piece of bread might get the best of me.

Be strong for all of us. :bricks:

Rom 1:16 I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes:

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Good for you!

Postby Sheri » January 15th, 2004, 8:45 pm

Your message gives us hope!
Keep up the great work.
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Postby Jeanette » January 16th, 2004, 7:10 am

Great job Kelyn! All that self-talk pays off!!
Jeanette :star:
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Postby SneezyKitten » January 16th, 2004, 7:22 am

Mmm...buttered rye toast! Good for you! I know if it were me, I could not stop at one bite and that is why I am not on a modified plan. What are your events that you plan on attending? I have several myself, including studying in Poland this coming summer.

I bought a picture calendar of Poland and have marked all my upcoming events in it. I keep it posted in the kitchen so I have a constant visual reminder of why I am doing this. I am also sticking pictures of myself from last time I was in Poland ten years ago (and 60 lbs ago!) with it. I have a formal ball to attend next month, so I am sticking a picture of the last formal ball I squeezed myself in to (a size 14) on so I can strive to attain at least that. I am very visual and with pictures of myself in the past for a visual reminder, connected to dates and events in the future for motivation, I have found I have been able to stay away from fatty foods and carbs for a few days now with little to no stress!

Just started a complete program yesterday and so far so good. It was cold here last night too, -15 or -20 (Baltimore) and we live on the water so the wind was REALLY howling...let me tell ya, some fast soup with extra pepper can really warm things up!!!!!!
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Postby Indigo » January 16th, 2004, 8:19 am

what a good idea, using the calendar and pictures that way! I think I'll do that too!

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