krissss wrote:Wow...driving thru a Micky D's is brave.The smell of fries would have done me in.I am super proud of you both!!!!!! I just restarted this week and The cravings are hard.I did medifast before and I remember it does get alot easier as time goes by and the scale drops.
I am trying to just imagine how I will look next Spring when its time to pull out the shorts again. I would hate to say MAN.. I wish I didin't fall off Medifast back in Oct.
Hey....I had a snowcone last night for dessert. Yummy..I used my Ice shaver machine and crystal light .Made me a HUGE ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!
DntCryLilEmoGrl FH (hehe since i cant call him DH yet)...
rodeomom wrote:I think she meant the "F" to stand for future, not fiance...
Sojourner wrote:DntCryLilEmoGrl FH (hehe since i cant call him DH yet)...
Jenn ~ DH stands for Dear Husband, so wouldn't he now be your DF?
After y'all get married you may very well be substituting the "Dear" in DH for
something that begins with an "F"...I'll let you insert your own descriptive word!
Great job on the not snacking at your aunt's and not stopping to snack later.
WooHoo for You!!
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