Counting the Hours

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Counting the Hours

Postby jene115 » February 4th, 2005, 10:04 pm

My shakes are waiting for me. I'm anxiously counting the hours until I wake up on Monday morning, fire up the old blender, put in some ice, water and open the pouch and have my first shake on the journey to my new life.

I decided it was really stupid to try to start on this tomorrow as my home is definitely not ready to make the transition. I've been mega lazy the last few weeks and almost everything needs attention so that's what I'm doing tomorrow. I am taking all the food I can't have to my friend, tossing out the science projects in the fridge and moving my place around to accommodate a more feng shui environment. I don't want to have anything bothering me when I come home Monday from work, a real bad time for me normally, when I am accustomed to stopping at a fast food restaurant for dinner. Monday, I'm taking my car into the shop to have a sensor put on it that will sound off a very loud alarm if I go near a drive-thru :mrgreen:

I'm going through the gamut of emotions the last few days and I still haven't figured out what's going on with me, but I guess it's just change, loss of my friend (food), rough week at work, being angry at what morbid obesity has done to my health, two more-than-double the normal amount electric/gas bills since the electric company raised rates, gee, what else can I think of? :oops:

Sorry folks, gotta vent somewhere. My two friends had kid things to do tonight. Aren't there any single people in Houston without kids, ARRGH!

I'm up late for me (11:00 in Houston). I don't want to go to bed feeling testy so I'm talking myself out of it :bricks:

Despite my blah mood the last few days, I am pretty excited, relieved, anxious, and really looking forward to getting this flab off my body and reclaiming the thin girl inside me.
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Hang in there, Jen.

Postby kassilou » February 5th, 2005, 12:00 pm

Once you get going on the program, doing something good for yourself, you will feel so much better. This is only day 5 for me, but just knowing that I am sticking to it has raised my self-esteem.

Have a plan each day so you don't get hungry. Like right now, I have to head out now and take my daughter to a birthday party. I've had a shake, I have a bar with me to eat on the way home, and I have my water bottle chilled and ready to go. I will be able to resist the treats cuz I know I have my food to eat as soon as we leave! :lol:

We have no one to blame for the way we are than ourselves, and we are the only ones who can make ourselves change. Prepare yourself, and let's enjoy the ride!

To lengthen thy life, lessen thy meals.
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Postby Mrsshrinkinglady » February 5th, 2005, 12:41 pm

You are making some really good work of starting off on the right foot!
Getting rid of all the no- no foods is a must I feel!
I love the idea of the fast food car alarm :lol:
Once you get through those first 3 days you will feel so awesome and then when you weigh in at the first week mark, fast food will not be your
focus, but how amazing MF is and how well it works!
It takes all kinds of different ways to get through those first few days.
Can you alter your way home so that you don't pass any fast food joints?
That might helo until they become of no interest to you.
HONEST it does happen!
I can tell you from someone who is 15 weeks into MF and just a blink short 0f 70 pounds lost that it is ALL WORTH IT!!
Here's to your success!!! :toast: (Medifast toast that is!!)
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Postby jene115 » February 5th, 2005, 1:00 pm

Thanks kassilou and Mary. Kassi - I know we only have ourselves to blame for getting fat. I realized awhile ago that it was up to me to lose it, but have had so many false starts. I know one thing all too well, you will never lose all the weight you have to lose until you are ready and make the decision to make it a priority in your life.

Mary, I do have faith in this program. I was on it in 1987 and was doing great until I broke up with my then boyfriend. I was just a baby then emotionally and couldn't hang in there. It's much more important to me now to do it since my health is involved now, not just vanity. Congrats on your impressive fat loss! Wow, I can't wait to just be in the 10# club, but the 70# WOOHOO!

I wish I could find a way home from work where I didn't pass fast food places. I live off a major street, about a block from the freeway and I pass McDonald's and Burger King just before I turn onto my street. A few blocks down the road is Jack in the Box. I'm not the least bit worried about it right now though, because honestly, I am sick to death of fast food :puke:
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Postby Nancy » February 6th, 2005, 3:18 am

Jen ~

LOVE the Fast Food car alarm! Does it automatically lock your windows and doors to prevent food grabbage as you do a drive-by?

I think my husband is interested in having a Mall Alarm installed on my Vee Wee Bug... :veedub:

Since you must drive the labrynth of Fast Food Gut Bombs, perhaps you could drive with your eyes closed until you are safely in your driveway, thus avoid eye contact with the :twisted: evil belly :fence: blasters!

Good for you - Feng your shui and be prepared for Mahvelous Monday - have the sheets rolled back and ready for you to dive in when you arrive home Monday evening after work - I just wanted to be put to sleep for a week until the foody urges were under control! :hammerhead:
Last edited by Nancy on February 7th, 2005, 12:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby MamaD » February 6th, 2005, 6:44 am

Nancy you said..."perhaps you could drive with your eyes closed until you are safely in your driveway" Now I know you are coo coo!!!

You know, somethig else that you need ot be mindful off is TV. You have to find something to do at night beside tv. I sat in front of the telly one night with the hubby and ever single commercial spot had a food commercial in it....every single block...and I get the craves for whatever they are selling... I find it easier to just come to the boards and "peanut gallery" into what everyone else is sayin'!!
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Postby Nancy » February 6th, 2005, 6:09 pm

Yup, I always drive with my eyes closed so as to avoid having eye contact with bakeries...outta sight, outta the mouth...
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Postby jene115 » February 6th, 2005, 6:35 pm

Houston traffic is not condusive to driving with your eyes closed. I'm just going to crank up my hard rock station and sing my way home and not look to the right where all the fast food places are on my drive home from work.

Rock on! :redprowl:
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'Mirror Extensions' keep the lbs off!

Postby Terry » February 7th, 2005, 12:19 pm

Hi Jenn,
Another suggestion to get by those fast food drive-throughs. Install those mirror extensions they put on cars in order to see around a wide travel trailer. Then, when you drive up to a drive-through, you can't get close enough to the pick-up window to reach the bag-of-calories they are selling. Of course, that's an additional diet expense when all you have to do is keep on drivin' past the temptation pit. T.
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Postby monkeymom » February 7th, 2005, 5:28 pm

My fix for the TV commercials is TIVO. We had it for several months before I started the plan, but it's awesome to just be able to zip right past the commercials if I've recorded something. Or I can hop up for a drink of water or potty break when the commercials come on, the just rewind the TIVO when I get back and continue my show. Either way, no food commercials for me.
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Too Funny

Postby Joan Roman » February 7th, 2005, 6:32 pm

I wish I could have had one of those fast food alarms a few years ago! That is too funny! The only thing that really worked to get me off of fast foods was seeing the calorie count in print ! :shock: Now if I even think about eating it ... I think about how obscene that food really is!

Fast food was my OLD LIFE! My new life is doing whatever it takes to be healthier and happier. There are tons of temptations and choices everyday. The more I choose good health the happier I am! :)
And choosing to feel good.... luckily is more addictive than McDonald's!

Here is to Eyes Wide Open...looking at the fast food restraunt and saying no thanks...I want more!

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Postby Nancy » February 8th, 2005, 7:08 pm

Joan ~

The only thing that really worked to get me off of fast foods was seeing the calorie count in print

I just read that a 135 pound woman would have to run the full length of a football field in order to work off the calories of two teensy tiny plain m&ms....yup, sure makes ya think before you snarf up those little jewel-colored chocolatey gems, eh?

Here's to a Shaker Jar of Dutch Chocolate Medifast and thinner thighs! :buddies:
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Ack! That is not good news!

Postby Joan Roman » February 8th, 2005, 7:36 pm

I'll tell you Nancy...reading the label on something really has saved me from scarfing it down! I try to make myself read before eating! Once I was going to eat one of the kids boxed icecream cone treats. I thought...well just check the calories first...385 calories !!!! Hey that is a meal not a treat! I put that thing right back in the freezer!

If you are wondering...I baked pies tonight at my second job. That's right! 12 Key Lime, 2 blueberry, 2 toffee pecan, 2 tollhouse cookie pies, 3 apple crumb, and 3 coconut custard. Oh yeah...and a 10 inch 3 layer chocolate cake. And it was smelling pretty darn good in that kitchen. Did I take even one nibble???? NO NO NO NO NO NO The only thing I can taste is ...thin coming my way! :lol:

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Postby Nancy » February 8th, 2005, 7:57 pm

Joan ~

You are my hero! I am so proud of you!
That is an amazing feat, Girlfriend!

If Joan can do it, so early on in her program, Folks, you can, too!

Sometimes having a whiff and a sniff can be enough to satisfy our foody desires and sometimes it can be :x dangerous territory.

It is great that you were able to separate yourself from baking and scarfing, Joan. You rock! :kool: :kool: :kool: :kool: :kool: :kool: :kool:
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Crackin Up

Postby Joan Roman » February 9th, 2005, 9:52 am

Nancy...I'm laughing because I was kinda teasing you about the pies! I did bake them...but I know you love them...I'm not that crazy about pie!'s not that tempting! So I'm not SUPER LOSER...I'm just being a bad PIE TEASER! What a meany I am!

But I love Ya LW!
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