Could I do better?

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Could I do better?

Postby hawaiiwhatnot » September 1st, 2004, 2:10 pm


Lost 7 lbs in August! Yes, wish the number was bigger, however added to the 14 lbs lost in July and 20 lost in June, the total is now 41 lbs in 3 months which is ALMOST an average of 1 pound every other day. (Mike, I use FUZZY math cause my brain only deals in fuzzy logic.) :scratchhead:

The big question is: Can I do better?

What am I doing now?

1. Not cheating!

2. Drinking at least 100 oz of water daily (that's 5 23 oz bottles)

3. The Complete Fast of 5 supplements daily which are:

3 Womens comfort and well-being shakes with a tablespoon or two of Da Vinci sugarless syrups and/or coffee crystals,
1 bar,
and 1 chili, soup, or oatmeal jazzed up with 2 boullion cubes or 2-3 tablespoons Pace Picante Sauce or Da Vinci syrup or splenda
and extra water to increase volume

4. In between supplements if hungry, having as many as 3 diet sodas daily, ginseng tea with splenda, JUST started Aug 30 having 2 dill pickles daily (can't resist taking a gulp of the pickle juice each time)

5. Taking supplements every three hours give or take 1/2 hour:

8 am shake, 11am bar, 2pm shake, 5pm soup, 8pm shake

6. Daily activity is sitting in front of computer almost 7 hours, extra activity has been swimming maybe twice weekly, and pilates 20 minute workout 2 times a week (should be 3!)

As far as exercising, I've held off fearing I'd slow down my weight loss progress. Maybe I should exercise a lot more daily (can walk on the treadmill).

I want to reach 125 lbs by September end which means I'd have to lose 30 lbs in September which isn't going to happen. I'll have to extend that date to maybe end of October.
I'm NOT disappointed! I'm VERY VERY happy with my 3 month 41 lb loss!

Hey, veterans or Nancy -
any criticisms, suggestions, or comments to speed up the loss?

Your more curvier
Camille :exercise:
Jun 1, 2004 Start Date 5' 6" 195 lbs
Jun lost 20#=175#
Jul lost 14#=161#
Aug lost 7#=154#
Sep lost 13#=141#
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Nov lost 4#=125#
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Postby Ria » September 1st, 2004, 3:06 pm

Hey Camille,

You are doing all the right things AND doing it well! Just look at your numbers!:bow: :bow: The one thing that I might add to your routine would be walking. If you walk about 4 Xs a week you might up the loss for this week. Try it out. You are doing so awesome and I bet you look just gorgeous (thats the compliment I get all the time now...that or my mom telling me how hungry I look). Personally I like the "hungry" look and I think my husband does too... ;)

I usually work out 5 times for the week. My Week and Routine Looks like this:
Brisk Walk/Run 2-3 miles - 5 Days
Pilates/Yoga - 2 Days
Butt Eliptical - 3 Days
Abs - 5 Days

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Postby explorthis » September 1st, 2004, 3:32 pm

Daily activity is sitting in front of computer almost 7 hours, extra activity has been swimming maybe twice weekly, and pilates 20 minute workout 2 times a week

Ya know Camille, I don’t think there is a thing wrong with your schedule. I mean this is a Medifast dream of what I would construe as right on target. I think I agree with Ria. Walk more.

My entire physical schedule for 4 months was walking at a slightly faster than normal rate twice a day Monday-Friday. Morning and aft I walked .8 miles. 1.6 total a day at the “forced exercise” method. I did walk more at work, but just normal office shuffling. Weekends consisted of mowing a yard, and washing 2 cars. That was IT for my entire schedule. Even today, actually I just returned from the afternoon .8 walk, I do this still every day, 5 days a week, and my weekend schedule remains the same. SO…… I think yours is about as good as it could get.

Other than like Ria said, walk more?

Your doing great, and should, as you are, BE PROUD of your major accomplishment.
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Postby gerimarc » September 2nd, 2004, 5:09 am

Correct me if I'm wrong but I thought on the FULL FAST you were suppose to have at least six supplements daily?

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Postby Carrie » September 2nd, 2004, 5:12 am

Hi Camille,

You are doing WONDERFULLY! Congratulations!

The only thing I can add is that as you approach your goal weight it is common for the weight loss to slow down. A bummer, but true. So, hang in there, keep doin' what you're doin', and YOU WILL GET THERE!

Now: 2/5/07: 233.6/220.0/145
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Postby explorthis » September 2nd, 2004, 6:30 am

The only thing I can add is that as you approach your goal weight it is common for the weight loss to slow down. A bummer, but true.

I want a reading on this. Carrie, I am not disproving you for one second, but this is the most UNCOMMON diet that I have ever come across. We (you included) have tried and failed at how many different promising programs? For me, I was ready to start wearing the Atkins style wedding rings, as I had tried so many modified versions of his diet, and countless others.

So, from a medical/philosophical/Medisophical standpoint, does Medifast induced diets cause you to slow down “as you approach” your final destination? Camille has lost 41 pounds, 58% of her weight, meaning she still has 42% or 29 pounds to her goal (125 final). Camille, you know I like math!

Someone needs to prove to me that you actually slow, and show me that the body knows she plans on stopping at a specific point (125 in this case) before I will believe it slows.

The full fast program which she is doing (5 supplements a day), she is only consuming what, 350+ calories a day? I just can’t or don’t believe in slow downs.

Her exercise regimen: Daily activity is sitting in front of computer almost 7 hours, extra activity has been swimming maybe twice weekly, and pilates 20 minute workout 2 times a week (should be 3!) Does this mean it has been this way religiously for 3 months with no deviations, or has she just begun this?

I don’t mean to sound negative against your thought, but call it what you want, common, I call it something else.

I would like Nancy’s HONEST opinion here. What does she think in reality to “slowdowns” or whatever they are called?

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Postby Carrie » September 2nd, 2004, 6:36 am

Actually, I thought that's where I'd heard it ............. from Nancy. <shrug>
Now: 2/5/07: 233.6/220.0/145
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Postby hawaiiwhatnot » September 2nd, 2004, 6:39 am

I did not start swimming and doing pilates until the third month. Also, the first month I had only shakes (5 per day). Thanks Mike. I always hear that adage of the closer you get to your goal, the slower you lose. Would also like to know if that's a medical fact if anyone knows.

Jun 1, 2004 Start Date 5' 6" 195 lbs
Jun lost 20#=175#
Jul lost 14#=161#
Aug lost 7#=154#
Sep lost 13#=141#
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Nov lost 4#=125#
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Postby elle4nelly » September 2nd, 2004, 9:00 am

Hi Camille!

Exercise ISN"T going to slow you down at all. Your body needed more calories to maintain itself at 196lbs as it does at 154lbs. Thus your caloric deficit at your present weight has a lower impact. And that's the simple truth. Want to loose more at this point? Increase your "Cardio ". Simply put, increase your caloric deficit.
I'd walk for 45 minutes a week if I was you. The scale would move faster then.

Hope I helped.

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Postby elle4nelly » September 2nd, 2004, 9:01 am

I meant 4 session of 45 minutes each. Per week!

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Postby Simmshe » September 2nd, 2004, 10:07 am

Hey Camille--congrats on your loss :)! I've been feeling a bit under the weather, physically and mentally, so I'm late with my contratulations!

Disclaimer: I'm not a medical/nutritional expert--only giving my opinion from a laymen's perspective, based on experience and research I have done about weight loss and metabolism :).

You know, the topic of why weight loss slows down has been discussed on the forum a couple of times before (I know this from the hundreds of back posts that I have read since joining this forum). And Nelly is 100% correct. I'm pasting one of her old posts here where she breaks down physiologically why the weight slows down, especially so markedly for women.
This is straight up biology!

The smaller one is the lesser the weight loss speed. And here's why!
Person 161 lbs that are moderately active (exercising 3x a week) need roughly 2200 calories to MAINTAIN the current weight of 161 lbs. In order to loose a lb, you need a deficit of 3500 calories. If you drop your intake from the 2200 calories needed to keep you at 161lbs down to say 800 calories (5 shakes and lean+green), you would be creating a deficit of 1400 calories per day. That's a 9800 calories deficit over the course of a week or roughly 2.8 lbs loss per week. Again, this is taking in consideration that you are moderately active and a female between age of 25-25 and an average height of 5'5". If you are older, your basic metabolic rate will be slower thus you'll need less calories to maintain your current weight, and your weight loss will be lesser than the 2.8 lbs average above. If you are petite, say 5'1" the same will be true also. And if you are not active the weight loss value will be smaller too.

Therefore, a female 5'5" 250 lbs on the same 800 calories diet would be creating a deficit of 1998 calories per day since it takes 2798 calories to keep her at a weight of 250lbs! Do the math, and that's a weekly deficit of 13986 calories!!!! Or 3.99 lbs loss per week!

Get the picture? So if you are not too overweight..Say 140lbs wanting to be 125 lbs. Your Basic metabolic rate is of only 2070 calories per day in order to keep you at 140lbs. Go on a 800 calorie diet and your deficit will only be 1270 calories per day or 8890 calories a week which translate into 2.5 lbs of weight loss per week. This taking in consideration that you are 25-35, a female of average height and exercising 3x per week.

And that is the mathematic of weight loss! Period! Men will lose weight faster based on several factors. The most important one being that they have a greater lean body mass than women. Your lean body mass is what you weight if you were strip of all the fat leaving just the muscles and bones. And since muscle burns more energy than fat, men who have a higher lean body mass than women, will naturally burn more calories than we (women) in general.

So here you go..Now you have the little neat facts...just keep shaking and don't obsess with the scale! Sorry for the long 2 cents here ..But as a Bio-Chem major in college...I thought I'd pass on some info..

Your Shakin Pal and conductor,


I agree with Nelly, maybe it's time to start adding some lean muscle mass. I was just reading an article in Fitness magazine (October edition) where they put four women on different protocols to see which protocol would raise the metabolism the most. One woman was put on a calorie-restricted diet, one did only cardio, one did strength training and cardio, and one did strength training only. Guess which one's metabolism got the biggest boost? The strength trainer--her metabolism went up 61%, about more than double that of the cardio/strength training combo, and about five times more than the dieter (can't remember the exact differences since I don't have the magazine in front of me right now :).

Of course, be sure to up your supplement intakes, correspondingly, to your level of exercise. Another thing, I read about some information regarding plateaus/slow weight loss that was related from one of the Medifast doctors who does weekly phone sessions, that when we reach plateaus we need to UP the supplements, maybe by one or two. On the surface this doesn't seem to make sense to up the caloric intake, but when we do this we also up the protein and nutrition intake, and the metabolic rate, as well, as the body has to work harder to digest the additional sustenance. The body is so darn crafty and adaptable--it will adjust to what we are doing in no time--hence the dreaded plateaus or slowdowns. And genetically, women's bodies have more fat, it's designed this way, and the body hangs on to it more strongly the less of it we have (especially in our hips and thighs, as most of us know!) because it needs that fat for childbearing (at least that what it's wired to do).

Anyways, I say shake it up! Just my 5 cents ;).

Last edited by Simmshe on September 2nd, 2004, 10:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby hawaiiwhatnot » September 2nd, 2004, 10:41 am

Big Mahalos to all of you for your excellent advice. I'm headed for the treadmill today - 45 minutes, and I'm having an extra shake.

Let's shake, rattle and roll! :jumprope: :headphones2: :yippee:
Jun 1, 2004 Start Date 5' 6" 195 lbs
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Jul lost 14#=161#
Aug lost 7#=154#
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Postby explorthis » September 2nd, 2004, 11:02 am

Hey, Camille, I know you only like to weigh once a month (correct?) Any chance, since you are gonna try something new, that you could document it? This is a perfect example of what can and might happen to others. If you could actually weigh yourself before you begin, and maybe over the next few days progressively and document to see if it really makes a difference? Maybe document your actual time on the tread, and speed, loss amount etc...... ?

I KNOW inquiring minds want to know, and this might just prove something we KNOW, but fail to want to KNOW!!

Nellie does provide some interesting insight, that Sheryl brought up.....


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Postby hawaiiwhatnot » September 2nd, 2004, 12:54 pm

Yes Mike. We are on the same wave length. I just got back from the treadmill. As I walked and walked and walked, I thought I'd weigh every other day to see if there's progress. I've also decided to try to stick with 5 supplements instead of 6 to see if there's a change. I'll still have my 2 dill pickles, tea, fast soups and diet sodas as extras. I'll journal my progress here on this thread.

Your rubber legged lab rat,
Jun 1, 2004 Start Date 5' 6" 195 lbs
Jun lost 20#=175#
Jul lost 14#=161#
Aug lost 7#=154#
Sep lost 13#=141#
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Postby explorthis » September 2nd, 2004, 1:00 pm

One other thing, to gain accurate results (though I am probably repeating something you already do) weigh - same bat time, same bat channel every day. I can literally change 3 pounds from evening to morning. That's why I like the early AM, after the (taking Carries line) "Belly-Button-Lint-Cleaning" I get a way lighter weigh.

Looking forward to seeing the results!!!

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