Daily activity is sitting in front of computer almost 7 hours, extra activity has been swimming maybe twice weekly, and pilates 20 minute workout 2 times a week
The only thing I can add is that as you approach your goal weight it is common for the weight loss to slow down. A bummer, but true.
This is straight up biology!
The smaller one is the lesser the weight loss speed. And here's why!
Person 161 lbs that are moderately active (exercising 3x a week) need roughly 2200 calories to MAINTAIN the current weight of 161 lbs. In order to loose a lb, you need a deficit of 3500 calories. If you drop your intake from the 2200 calories needed to keep you at 161lbs down to say 800 calories (5 shakes and lean+green), you would be creating a deficit of 1400 calories per day. That's a 9800 calories deficit over the course of a week or roughly 2.8 lbs loss per week. Again, this is taking in consideration that you are moderately active and a female between age of 25-25 and an average height of 5'5". If you are older, your basic metabolic rate will be slower thus you'll need less calories to maintain your current weight, and your weight loss will be lesser than the 2.8 lbs average above. If you are petite, say 5'1" the same will be true also. And if you are not active the weight loss value will be smaller too.
Therefore, a female 5'5" 250 lbs on the same 800 calories diet would be creating a deficit of 1998 calories per day since it takes 2798 calories to keep her at a weight of 250lbs! Do the math, and that's a weekly deficit of 13986 calories!!!! Or 3.99 lbs loss per week!
Get the picture? So if you are not too overweight..Say 140lbs wanting to be 125 lbs. Your Basic metabolic rate is of only 2070 calories per day in order to keep you at 140lbs. Go on a 800 calorie diet and your deficit will only be 1270 calories per day or 8890 calories a week which translate into 2.5 lbs of weight loss per week. This taking in consideration that you are 25-35, a female of average height and exercising 3x per week.
And that is the mathematic of weight loss! Period! Men will lose weight faster based on several factors. The most important one being that they have a greater lean body mass than women. Your lean body mass is what you weight if you were strip of all the fat leaving just the muscles and bones. And since muscle burns more energy than fat, men who have a higher lean body mass than women, will naturally burn more calories than we (women) in general.
So here you go..Now you have the little neat facts...just keep shaking and don't obsess with the scale! Sorry for the long 2 cents here ..But as a Bio-Chem major in college...I thought I'd pass on some info..
Your Shakin Pal and conductor,
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