Sorry to be so late to chime in here, Folks. Had a

dental appointment.
Most of you have already taken care of Camille...thank you so much!
First may I commend you on your
great weight loss!
You have established an eating schedule and carefully adhered to it, I might add.

You have incorporated exercise into your weekly routine and have been faithful to maintain your

You are right, you have averaged a half a pound a day weight loss. The clinical studies for Medifast show
women average 2-4 pounds a week, men slightly higher.
You are right on target!
I averaged 3.5 pounds a week throughout my weight loss phase – the same as you!
I lost more initially during the first month or two and Nelly and Sheryl explained it very well in their postings.
I was morbidly obese – I weighed more than your start weight by 68 pounds.
For most people, weight loss using Medifast is very safe and consistent –
right down to their goal weight.
As I neared my weight loss goal, my weight just kept sloughing away.
I had a surgical procedure done about one month away from reaching my goal weight and it slowed me down for a week – I had to take some honkin’ pain pills several times a day and because of nausea, I had some extra packets of crackers and extra shakes. I also became

…when I stopped taking the pain pills, the weight loss picked up and I perked right on to my goal.
I think it is a fallacy that weight loss slows down as one reaches their goal weight – how does your body KNOW what your goal weight is? Some of you don’t even know what it is yet because you are just beginning on your weight loss journey and you haven’t even gotten it into your noggin’ yet that Medifast works, that it will work for
YOU and that you
CAN and
WILL get to an appropriate weight!
I digress..sorry.
Exercise is important for weight loss and especially for weight management. You already received good advice here from others.
Camille, you are doing all the right things.
We cannot “hurry up” your body any faster than it wants to do its thing. Remember, we are all hand-made! You are our special Aloha Lady! We all move at different speeds and in different ways and yet over time, we may all experience the same wonderful weight loss success!
It is recommended for people on the complete fast to consume 5-7 Medifast products a day.
Females that are sedentary can use 5 or 6 Medifast 55 shakes a day. Active females will do best using Medifast 70 because of its higher protein level. Medifast 70 has 3 grams more of protein and but 10 calories more per shake than the Medifast 55.
People who need to lose a lot of weight and are on the Complete Program may need more shakes per day than do people with less weight to lose.
Larger bodies have greater blood volume, greater body mass to sustain and require more shakes. As their weight is reduced, the number of shakes may be reduced.
It is vital that people on the complete program do so under a doctor’s supervision. People taking medications who are significantly reducing their body size will most likely need less medication and it is important to be closely monitored.
Physicians can help larger people to know how many shakes per day they need.
My brother had been on medication for high blood pressure for more than 25 years and was also obese. He finally asked me about getting on Medifast in January of this year. He has lost
80 pounds (Cool!) and told me recently he was feeling a bit woozy.
His work takes him out of state and sometimes out of the country and he had not seen his doc for several months. I told him to high-tail it into the clinic. After seeing his doc (who, by the way is blown away at how healthy he is now and how great he looks!), his labs showed that he no longer needs any medications whatsoever.
People on the complete program really need to be monitored. It is our recommendation that active men on the complete program use 6 – 7 shakes; active women use 6.
You are using 3 of our Women’s Well Beings for Comfort and Regularity shakes – I use them, too. They are wonderful! With the bar and your soup or oatmeal, you are using 5 Medifast products a day. You could try adding an additional shake, Camille since you are increasing your exercise now and I’d suggest that you monitor your weight more closely for a while and see how that goes. If you are steadily losing at your current rate of 3.5 pounds per week, the additional protein may be just what you needed to go along with your increased activity. Just be sure to space out the additional meal through out the day. See, Darlin'? Mike suggested weighing more often, too.
Okie dokie then - here are some comments
in general -
not to Camille specifically so please don't throw tuh-maters at
Leopard Woman.
If the shoes fits, wear it.
If not, file it away for future use or just plain ignore it and consider it drivel from an aging SLENDER woman that had a major dental procedure done and is still under the influence of Novocaine...
Gentle Reminders to one and all:
People, who eat on schedule and eat on time, people who drink their water, and exercise moderately reach their goal.
If the food is not on your list – don’t eat it.
[Terry spoke to a lady yesterday who is disappointed in her weight loss.
After she told him what she eats for lunch every day, it became rather clear why her weight loss has slowed down.
Here's the gist of the conversation:
Terry: What do you eat for lunch?
Lady: "Oh, I just have one of those Lean and Green lunches."
Terry: What is it comprised of?
Lady: "A wrap."
Terry What's in it?
Lady: "Just a bit of Ham and Cheese rolled up in a really skinny tortilla thing."
Terry: What else? What's the 'green' part of your lunch?
Lady: "A small salad."
Terry: What's on the salad?
Lady: "I like it with Ranch Dressing. I never eat the croutons, 'though."
Her weight loss has slowed down.

out loud! She eats
a ham and cheese wrap every day for lunch. She also has a "Small side salad with Ranch dressing."
Do not substitute foods.
Medifast is proven to be a safe and nutritionally balanced program that helps people to lose that stored nasty fat.
Most folks lose just about one inch for every pound of greasy yellow flabbage! The best part is that the flabbage seems to come off in all the right places! We do not lose muscle but fat and we do not end up with that saggy and hangy skin that occurs with stomach surgery.
I have discovered (as has Mike and others are now doing also) that when a person reaches a healthy lean weight it is easier to make healthy food choices and to maintain our weight.
When folks reach their ideal healthy weight they can maintain their weight by following the Maintenance plan. People who quit their program for example fifteen to twenty-five pounds above their healthy weight, constantly have to battle to maintain their weight and often they lose the battle.
Imagine how taxing it is to carry around a bag of flour or rice all day. Well, your heart and its blood system and freeway of arteries and veins feels the same way when you don’t reach a healthy lean weight. Your bod functions at peak capacity then. The ‘old ticker’ can tick and tock more productively, you will be more mentally alert and when everything is functioning efficiently you will want to choose to keep it that way!
Camille, you are to be commended.
You are a role model for others.
You are focused.
You are committed.
You encourage others and your concern for others shows!
You are getting to your goal - it is just around the corner.
You are learning about portion sizes, you are learning how often to eat and you are lookin' onolicious! (mighty fine!)
Forum Friends - you are the best! Good posts, good suggestions from one and all. Go for the goal!