I posted this in Jo's journal but then thought I was really replying to this thread....
Oh heavens! Is this where I admit that I have the inexpensive cookware that I received for a wedding gift (Revereware with copper bottoms) but I wish I did have some nice cookware that wouldn't scorch my foods so easily and without the copper bottoms that always look so messy.
I'd love to have better cookware as I have always heard that a person should use the best 'tools' they can afford to do the best job. (I know this to be true in my other hobbies). I just never knew what was the minimum of what would work would be and could not afford to invest a lot into cookware.
So as Beth, Katie, Mike and Jo mentioned.....to get the best results, it is suggested to use the best (you can afford) cookware.
I appreciate that this subject was brought up and that Katie shared her knowledge and that others also shared that they were very pleased with their brand of stainless cookware. I just received a Williams Sonoma catalog Saturday....need to look at it and dream a bit.

I doubt All-Clad is in my future......but definitely will be checking out what Mike mentioned and also looking at what is offered at the nearest stores....
Thanks everyone for you input. If I'm going to spend the time cooking (not one of my favorite activities) then I do want the results to turn out well without frustration (if possible
