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Postby hollyhouse » February 20th, 2006, 8:15 am


Good morning everyone!
This is my topic for this morning. I still didn't lose anything today. but thats ok. i realize that i am having a total constipation problem.

Any advice??


<img border="0" src="">

This is my first goal
2nd goal is 130
then 120
then final 118
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Postby Kido » February 20th, 2006, 8:25 am

Grab the quick start book, there is information in the back. Unless you are at work like I am and don't have it with you. :lol:

If I remember correctly, part of it was to add more water.
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Postby JustLynda » February 20th, 2006, 8:29 am

Hi Holly,

Sorry to hear about your difficulty. I'm actually having the opposite problem. (yuk!)

I copied the following from the online version of the QuickStart guide from the MediFast website. Hope it helps!

Constipation – You will probably have
bowel movements less frequently than
normal because of the decreased food intake.
If you have hard stools or feel constipated,
try the following solutions:
• Drink more fluids and increase activity.
• Take a sugar-free fiber supplement such
as Metamucil® or psyllium husk.
• Use stool softener pills or laxatives
if necessary.
• Take 1 tablespoon of oil (canola or olive)
per day.
Start Date: February 18, 2006
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