I'm confused

Questions/Comments about Weight loss Products.

I'm confused

Postby Lois » November 12th, 2003, 7:37 pm

O.K. folks, help me out here....

I'm doing the full fast, and here's my question: Do 3 out of my 5 meal replacements have to be SHAKES????

I am using shakes, cocoa, and creamy soups.

Because it's getting chilly and damp in Philadelphia, sometimes I'd like to have only two shakes and have three of the hot drinks per day...is that O.K. or should it be three shakes and then two of the others?????


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Postby Nancy » November 12th, 2003, 9:01 pm

Dear Lois,

Yup, THREE of the five meals MUST be shakes. You may mix 'em with warm water until smooth and then heat them slightly or mix the packets with coffee but it is preferable to have three cold shakes a day.

Yeah, when the weather turns gnarly it can be harder to slurp an icy cold shake.
I am now shaking mine in the little jar - this is the FIRST time in 16 months that I have actually had a shake right from the shaker jar without crushed ice. I prefer the shakes to be made in the blender - read my September Newsletter! You'll know what I'm referring to then. :roll:

The other two meals may be any combination of products that you'd enjoy: two more shakes; or one soup & one oatmeal; or two oatmeal packets; or two soup packets; just know that you may have ONLY one bar per day on the weight loss progam.

I LOVE them bars so much! :lol:

It takes great restraint on the weight loss plan for me to eat only one bar. Sometimes I had to have Terry be a watchdog for mois - he'd hold the box of bars hostage in his office and dole 'em out one per day. :coach:

I like them because they are so satisfying - they stick with me for a long time and they taste like a candy bar.

Gotta bip, Lois! Hangeth in there, you are a loser!!! :yeah:
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Postby Lois » November 14th, 2003, 6:36 am

Hi Nancy,

Thanks so much, this was VERY helpful!

I am leading a women's retreat this weekend, and will bring my shaker jar with me :D

I also mix most of my shakes in the blender, but I can do it the old fashioned way for a couple of days.

It's good to know that you can drink the shakes hot, if you want to. I LOVE chai tea, and I bet I can "doctor up" the french vanilla 55 with some cinnamon, cloves, and nutmeg and drink it hot, like chai!!!!!

As soon as I perfect the recipe, I'll post it under "lean cuisine" ;)

I'll miss y'all over the weekend, but I'll be back on Sunday night and I'll be eager to share how I did with the products away from home.....


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After the Retreat

Postby Nancy » November 17th, 2003, 9:57 pm

Hey, Lois ~

How did the women's retreat go? Did you make it through without caving into food?

A retreat can certainly be a real challenge to our will power. "There is no temptation such as is common to man..." God is good, He promises to provide a way of escape! Did you see the "exit signs" and get outta the way of food?

Blessings upon you!
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Postby Lois » November 18th, 2003, 5:46 am

Hi Nancy...

The hardest part was that these ladies are the "Queens of Snacks"!!!!!

Let me tell you, I led a retreat with them last year, and you should have SEEN the spread of food they put out :shock: !!!!!!!! And I ATE it, too!!!

Thanks to knowing this ahead of time, I was prepared!

I STAYED AWAY FROM THAT SNACK TABLE :angel: and "armed myself" with diet sodas, bullion, etc.

And the good news is...IT WORKED :D

Also...I didn't feel sorry for myself! That's a BIG accomplishment for me! I was actually able to say to myself "I have a goal to lose this weight....I don't need those snacks! I'm not even hungry"....and it was TRUE!!!!!!

So....there you have it! ;)

The retreat itself was GREAT. They are such an open, responsive group. We had a WONDERFUL time. They want me to do a third retreat with them this time next year....I will be a SKINNY LITTLE THING by then!!!!! :D

WoooooHoooooo :byebye: :byebye: :byebye:

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