Crystal wrote:According to the BMI charts, for my height 5'3" and weight 148, my BMI should be 26-27. However, when I weigh in, my scale says I am 36% fat (ewwww!!). Are these two things the same, or are they measuring two different things? If they are the same, why are mine not the same? Am I just more fat than other people of my height and weight?
Hi Crystal!
BMI is not the same as Body Fat. It's kind of a meaningless number really, it is based on a formula that uses your weight and your height. That's it, no breakdown on fat, muscle or water.
For more info on BMI, check out:
www [dot] cdc [dot] gov [slash] nccdphp [slash] dnpa [slash] bmi [slash] calc-bmi [dot] htm
There is a policy here of No Websites so if you add the ., /, and remove all the spaces, you will get there.

It's by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and is very educational
If that's too big a pain to reformat, just Google "BMI" and the CDC site is right at the top.
I doubt you are 36% body fat, but then, you could be, and appear not that big. Body fat is a weird thing, it can be not just on your stomach/legs/arms/etc., but also internal like around your internal organs. Ewwww I know!
Electronic testing can be inaccurate due to your hydration level. To even out the highs and lows with electronic readings, it's recommended to take a readout every morning 1 hour after you get up, for a whole month if you are a woman, and then do an Average to get the result.
In any case, MF will whoop that fat right off ya!

Fear not!