
Post your weight loss successes or failures here...:)


Postby VTGirlie » June 16th, 2006, 9:07 am

Hi guys!

I've been a little quiet this week- somewhat out of embarrassment. :oops:

Last weekend was a tough one for me- my DH's bday was on Friday and mine was on Sunday, PLUS we had a date on Saturday which we never really get to have. I had a small piece of cake on his bday but otherwise stayed on plan. Saturday night I totally blew it. It was so horrible I cannot even describe it (lest you gain by just reading!) Let's just say we went Mexican, margaritas and chips were flowing, etc.... Sunday I jumped back on the wagon full-force and have been back at it all week. No cheats, straight up on plan!

So, here's the thing. The scale won't move now. Not only that, but I'm dreadfully hungry about an hour or two after a supplement or meal. Now, I have been through this but I'm amazed that it is almost a week after the cheat and I'm still hungry?

Does anyone have any thoughts on this? I could really use some encouragement about now. Especially because my family is abandoning me Sunday for a trip down South and I'm headed to a wedding next week. Eek!

Anyone? Anyone?

:lol: :cry: :lol: :cry: :lol: :cry: :lol: :cry: :oops: :oops:
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Postby falisamarie » June 16th, 2006, 9:21 am

I think it is just your body readjusting. You can do this. If you need to add in an extra shake or have a legal snack.

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Postby MusicalMomma Reloaded » June 16th, 2006, 9:23 am

Hey there Bets...I totally relate to your story! Are you drinking lots and lots of water? Are you due for your period? Lack of water AND period time can cause you to retain water AND make you hungry!

If neither of these are an issue, just hang in there...have an extra shake if you need it...for your 5 meals, have a heartier dish (oatmeal, chili, one bar)...It will pass soon. Stay strong now and that wedding next week will be easier for you :)
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Postby Sarya » June 16th, 2006, 9:36 am

I think it's different for everyone. It took me the better part of a week to get over the cravings from slipping and having just 1 small piece of cake. Just hang in there, do your thing, and it'll go away! Have a snack or an extra supplement if you have to. I'm sitting here hungry even though I had a shake an hour ago.. but I think it's because all I can smell is grilled meat and potato chips. :|
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Postby VTGirlie » June 16th, 2006, 11:41 am

Thanks guys! It could be anything. My TOTM is so screwed up since I started this it could be that, or it could be that my body is just making sure i REALLY want to do this after last weekend. HA! 8)

Who knew one meal could be so terrible? I used "calorieking dot com" to put in what I ate for estimated calories JUST on Saturday night. HOLY MOLY!!! The weird thing is, I used to do things like that all the time. And often it was only one such meal like that per day. The real bummer is that I felt pretty awful afterwards- sort of carb overload. :tongue:

I'm a little better now- I went out and bought a new pair of leather flip-flops at lunch. Not expensive, but enough to get me out and splurge a little. (Plus, our cocker spaniel ate the ones I loved so very much on Monday! GRRRRRRR) :x

Thanks again!

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Postby Arklahoma » June 16th, 2006, 12:23 pm

Your body is just trying to figure out what's going on. You will readjust. Keep your chin up 'cuz you can do this!!!
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Postby bdg » June 17th, 2006, 8:51 am

The best part is you returned to the program. The scale will start moving again, just give it time! Be proud of yourself for getting back on the wagon and sticking to it!
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