Hi guys!
I've been a little quiet this week- somewhat out of embarrassment.
Last weekend was a tough one for me- my DH's bday was on Friday and mine was on Sunday, PLUS we had a date on Saturday which we never really get to have. I had a small piece of cake on his bday but otherwise stayed on plan. Saturday night I totally blew it. It was so horrible I cannot even describe it (lest you gain by just reading!) Let's just say we went Mexican, margaritas and chips were flowing, etc.... Sunday I jumped back on the wagon full-force and have been back at it all week. No cheats, straight up on plan!
So, here's the thing. The scale won't move now. Not only that, but I'm dreadfully hungry about an hour or two after a supplement or meal. Now, I have been through this but I'm amazed that it is almost a week after the cheat and I'm still hungry?
Does anyone have any thoughts on this? I could really use some encouragement about now. Especially because my family is abandoning me Sunday for a trip down South and I'm headed to a wedding next week. Eek!
Anyone? Anyone?