Confessions of a Curves Addict & By the Numbers

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Confessions of a Curves Addict & By the Numbers

Postby mellowmom » May 19th, 2006, 8:34 am

Thought I might as well combine two topics in one. ;)

As mentioned before I have somewhat of an addictive personality. :brickwall:

Throughout my life that has been both a good and bad thing, running the gamut from cross stitch and karaoke to chocolate and " Christmas Story" TV marathons. (Can't get enough of that Peter Billingsley character walking down the stairs to his parents' living room in a floppy-eared pink bunny pj.) :roflmao:

My current raison d'etre has been about going to Curves. This happened the last time I joined up. I KNOW I should only go 3x per week in order to give my muscles time to recoup, but I feel like such a slouch on the days off. I've told myself to walk on my treadmill at home :treadjog: on the "off Curves Day" but keep coming up with excuses why I can't or I conveniently "forget". :roll:

So, despite the fact that my mind knows it's not good for me, my body argues that it's better than nothing. :secret: (This "all or nothing" thinking is another one of my foibles that I'm sure plays a major roll in my many pre-Medifast dieting program failures.)

So, I've come to a compromise...comments or suggestions by any other Curves members or employees would be appreciated. When I do go to Curves I have been working out at a very high intensity for the full 30 minutes. :weightlift: My thought is if I continue to go everyday I could alternate on a daily basis whether to work hard on my upper body or my lower body, something like the waist up on M-W-F and waist down on T-Th-Sat.

So whaddya think :?: Could this work, of should I just suck it up (with a very large vacuum hose) and go "cold turkey" on the supposed off-days? I realize this is a pretty insignificant question to post, but it's early Friday morning and I'm trying to put off going to work... 8)

Now for the 2nd topic... After 8 weeks on the program I've lost 45 pounds! :D Actually had a slow week loss wise, which is probably attributable to my daily Curves routine. :dooh:

Th-th-th-that's all f-f-f-f-folks. Have a wonderful weekend. I'm off with the choir this weekend through Monday singing with the Monterey Symphony Orchestra down in Salinas and Carmel. We're singing "Carmina Burana", which is a terrific orchestral and chorus piece. You've all probably heard parts of it used during TV commercials. Kinda frenzied and demonic sounding. :twisted: Tough on the voice, but the audiences love it.

Thanks again for all your terrific support.

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Postby MusicalMomma » May 19th, 2006, 9:00 am

Carmel...there are many Curves junkies out there....I'd advise on the "off days" you just go VERY light on the machines and hit the recovery stations like a mad woman...get your heart rate up via cardio rather than the machines. :)
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Postby wildtrk » May 19th, 2006, 10:00 am

Carmina Burana by Carl Orff... Oh Fortuna! My favorite
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Re: Confessions of a Curves Addict & By the Numbers

Postby Serendipity » May 19th, 2006, 10:32 am

mellowmom wrote:" Christmas Story" TV marathons.

I see we have something in common, mom. :mrgreen: It's not Christmas without the Fa Ra Ra Ra! :roflmao:

As for the obsessive personality - I can relate to that, too. With Curves, I am trying not to obsess because I know from my experience that I go at things full tilt and then quit because it's too much to keep up. I'm forcing myself to do just the 3 days/week. Just as I'm trying to change my eating habits and my scale habits, I'm trying to make positive changes in my obsessive personality, too.

That being said, I don't think it will hurt you physically to go every day and yes, if you alternate the stress between upper body and lower body, your muscles will get that rest they need.
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Postby thefinest » May 19th, 2006, 10:51 am

Sounds like a good idea. Just alternate upper body with lower body. You'll have the benefit of building muscle as well as losing fat. The more muscle the higher the fat burnage. Just be sure you are getting enough calories in..maybe add an extra shake!
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Postby MusicalMomma » May 19th, 2006, 1:49 pm

the alternate upper/lower body is a great idea in theory...however if curves is busy, it can't be done. you can't skip from machine to machine when the circut is full.
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Postby lifelovinaries » May 23rd, 2006, 5:41 pm

Carmel, first, be thankful that you have the will to incorporate exercise. I just can't seem to get started. And yes, if you MUST go everyday, alternate upper and lower.

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Postby Nova » May 24th, 2006, 10:20 am


It's great that you're exercising, and even better that you're doing weight lifting. It's important to build up muscles so that you can increase your BMR. I was going to write a bunch of stuff about recovery time and why it's very important to make sure your muscles have at least 48-72 hours to rest between being worked, especially if you're lifting heavy. They need time to rebuild, especially if you're on a reduced calorie diet. My suggestion instead is to Google for weight liftiing and recovery and 'split programs'. You'll find tons of great information, more than I could impart in a post.

I'm a dedicated weight lifter/powerlifter, and if you want to ask me anything, I'll be glad to help as best I can. My suggestion would be to create a 3 day split where you work one set of muscles each day, in effect, only working that set of muscles once a week. On your off days, stick to light cardio, walking, yoga, pilates or swimming. That will get you a great, all-around program for strength and conditioning. And don't forget to work on your flexibility.

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Postby Nooney » November 30th, 2006, 10:56 pm

I go to curves as well, we have lots of ladies that skip machines or do some machines double. Most people don't mind. Just find a time when not a lot of people are there. When I go at like 1 or 2 in the afternoon its usually just me and 2 other people there aside from the staff. Just find the "dead" time and try to go then if possible. If you can't skip a machine because the circuit is full, stand in front of it and jog lightly.
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Postby Serendipity » December 1st, 2006, 5:40 am

But it's much more fun with a full house. :mrgreen:
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Postby dede4wd » December 1st, 2006, 10:58 am

Anybody seen Carmel lately? I'm missing her!
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Postby Nooney » December 4th, 2006, 2:22 am

Serendipity wrote:But it's much more fun with a full house. :mrgreen:

I never know what to talk to people about.
Sometimes its easier for me when there's only
1 or 2 people there, so they either have to talk to me
or stare at the wall MUHAHAHHA :twisted:
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Postby bikipatra » December 4th, 2006, 3:11 am

Isn't there a 12 step group for Curves Addicts? :lol: :lol: :lol: The first step is admitting you have a problem!
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