Complete Program Question

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Complete Program Question

Postby Kimber » February 28th, 2006, 4:58 pm

Hi, I have been on the complete program for six weeks and lost 28 pounds. However, I have had a few weeks where I have not lost ANY weight (and I haven't cheated!) I'm concerned as my doctor is absolutly no help and her reply is, "Well if its not working, why dont you stop." I've also been having problems with nausea. Can anyone give me guidence on this dilemma? I really don't want to give up on this...

Thanks so much everyone! I really appriciate reading your posts to help keep me on target.
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Postby MusicalMomma » February 28th, 2006, 5:41 pm

hi there Kimber!! :wave: welcome to the forum! I'll let one of our health advisors assist you on the specifics of your question. However, 28 pounds in 6 weeks is still an average of 4.66 pounds per week. Compared to the 1.5-2 pound per week average promised by conventional diets, you're still well over double the average. From what I've been told, there's not a lot of difference in the weight loss speed with the full fast vs. the 5 & 1 program. Perhaps a gradual switch might be something to look into.

I know we all want to lose all of our weight almost instantly. It's human nature AND it's today's "instant" society.

It's not at ALL unusual to have a week with no weight loss, or even a gain. We women are built to retain water every month (at least!). You're really doing great!

Also, how quickly one loses depends on many factors, such as, metabolism, age, height, how much weight you need to lose, etc...But honestly, you are losing at a rate that is VERY consistant with the medfast program...and doing VERY well!!!

Keep posting with us please...we're a very supportive, caring, informative and understanding group. I know this forum surely has been a BIG part of my success thus far :)
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Postby falisamarie » February 28th, 2006, 6:36 pm

JOyce is so right, you are doing just great. You may have hit a plateau so I suggest you do a search here and read up on them but I am confident if you stick to the program that scale will be moving again in no time flat. Keep with it!

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Postby scrabbler7 » February 28th, 2006, 6:44 pm

Hi Kimber - Welcome aboard. You've done amazing -- 28 pounds in 6 weeks. Many here are going to tell you they envy you .... me included!!!


Since you've been on the program for 6 weeks now and you've hit a plateau -- might not be a bad time to add a little exercise to your daily routine to get it started again. Just a thought, but if you are up to it, you could try adding 15-20 minutes of walking a day. When I have hit a stop in my weight loss before, I've found this to work for me.

You are doing great ... don't worry about the plateau too much ... the scale will move again as long as you stay compliant.

Keep us posted!
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Postby Nancy » February 28th, 2006, 7:32 pm

Dear Kimber ~

You have had a super weight loss and it is common to experience a time when the weight loss is slower or at a standstill. For many people the third or fourth week can be a time when the body takes a breather and then again, around the 40-45 pound mark.

When we are on the program, hunger really goes away and it is easy to skip packets or to think, "If I cut out a packet a day, I might lose weight faster." We really do need all of the 5 packets every day, 6 if you are on the complete program. Our body needs its fuel for each day and I found that when I skip packets, I feel fatigued, I do not sleep well and my weight loss slows down.

I would like to know a little more about the nausea issue - is this something relatively new? If it is, could you be preggers?

Usually nausea does not show up after a person has been on the program for a while. Nausea at the onset of the weight loss program is usually related to a soy allergy.

Possible causes of nausea later: drinking the shakes too fast, too many servings of pop and perhaps it is time to try a different food item. Are you on shakes only? Maybe switching to another food product for a few days and see how that goes for you.

There may be some medication issues, especially for people on blood pressure medication or for people who take meds for diabetes.

I am thankful that you mentioned that you are under a doctor's care because that is necessary for people who replace all regular food with Medifast packets. Some physicians are not as familiar with Medifast and may appreciate having a copy of the Quick Start guide.

We always suggest that people secure a personal Health Advisor - they usually have more time to devote to a client than a busy doctor who may be allowed only 15 minutes per patient. Health Advisors may be more aware of how to address particular issues just because they've dealt with it more frequently unless you are seeing a doctor that utilizes Medifast regularly.

How many meal replacements have you been using?
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Postby Kimber » March 1st, 2006, 6:43 am

Thank you so much for all your support and very timely replys! (I wish I had this much luck with my staff!!!)

I am determined to stay on the program but am very concerned about staying with the Complete Program. While I think I would do better without the temptation of food, my doctor has not done any tests on me at all. From reading on this site and others, it seems like she should be.

To answer your questions, Nancy, I am taking five supplements a day; usually an oatmeal, a soup, and three shakes. I save the bars for the days I fly.

I travel for a living and fly on Sundays and Fridays. The rest of the week I'm in hotels. I do not have a problem w/ packing my meals, in fact I think its easier than trying to decide which high priced restaurant or high calorie fast food chain am I going to try tonight... or worse... ROOM SERVICE! (It is nice... but oh the calories enjoyed while laying down! NOT GOOD!)

I was wondering if my plateau could be caused by in increase in my exercise? It's not much, but as I travel to DC every week I often times have to walk to the metro, plus the stairs. It is usually on about a half mile on the bad days... but have you ever seen the escalators in a metro tunnel? I swear they are better than any stairstepper at the gym!

As for the nausea, it usually hits before I even eat in the morning then continues through the day. It isn't every day, but usually a few days a week, in succession. I notice I am usually very tired these days as well. (Unless imaculate conception is back in fashion... its doubtful :lol: ) I wouldn't think I am allergic to soy as I have always been a big fan and use to drink soy milk and snack on soy beans... but then I'm sure this is a HUGE increase from what I ate before.

Again, thanks so much everyone!
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Postby JustLynda » March 1st, 2006, 8:32 am

Hi Kimber,

I don't have my MediFast guidebook with me--I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong. But, I think I remember that if you are on the full fast that you are supposed to have 6 supplements each day. You mentioned in your post that you are only having 5. If this is the case, some of your problems may be from not eating enough.

I'm not going to add any more because I feel slightly out of my league on this one already. If anyone has their Quick Start booklet handy, could you please look this one up?

Hope this helps,
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Postby falisamarie » March 1st, 2006, 9:29 am

Lynda you are right on :thumbig:

Kimber if you are doing the full fast you are suppose to be getting in 6 supplements every day. Your decrease in loss could be that your body might be going into starvation mode because your caloric intake is too low. I have found that on weeks when I have had days when I miss a supplement (this happens very rarely) that my weight loss is actually lower in those weeks. I am not sure what if any tests should be run for people on the full fast but I do know you are suppose to be under a Drs supervision. You are still doing great and hopefully adding in that 6th supplement will boost you right along!

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Postby Lizabette » March 1st, 2006, 5:26 pm

Hi Kimber,

Glad to meet you! I can't believe how wonderful you are doing with all your traveling and packing and staying in hotels, etc., etc. That is usually an excuse for going off program, or not beginning in the first place.

Your weight loss is enviable! 28 pounds in 6 weeks. Fantastic! Sorry your doctor is not more supportive, but you are making it fine.

Please try your 6th meal replacement and see if that will help your nausea and your weight loss, especially with all your walking and stair climbing. Otherwise, it looks like you are doing things just right. Hope we see you on the post more often. We want to hear how you are doing.


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