Thank you so much for all your support and very timely replys! (I wish I had this much luck with my staff!!!)
I am determined to stay on the program but am very concerned about staying with the Complete Program. While I think I would do better without the temptation of food, my doctor has not done any tests on me at all. From reading on this site and others, it seems like she should be.
To answer your questions, Nancy, I am taking five supplements a day; usually an oatmeal, a soup, and three shakes. I save the bars for the days I fly.
I travel for a living and fly on Sundays and Fridays. The rest of the week I'm in hotels. I do not have a problem w/ packing my meals, in fact I think its easier than trying to decide which high priced restaurant or high calorie fast food chain am I going to try tonight... or worse... ROOM SERVICE! (It is nice... but oh the calories enjoyed while laying down! NOT GOOD!)
I was wondering if my plateau could be caused by in increase in my exercise? It's not much, but as I travel to DC every week I often times have to walk to the metro, plus the stairs. It is usually on about a half mile on the bad days... but have you ever seen the escalators in a metro tunnel? I swear they are better than any stairstepper at the gym!
As for the nausea, it usually hits before I even eat in the morning then continues through the day. It isn't every day, but usually a few days a week, in succession. I notice I am usually very tired these days as well. (Unless imaculate conception is back in fashion... its doubtful

) I wouldn't think I am allergic to soy as I have always been a big fan and use to drink soy milk and snack on soy beans... but then I'm sure this is a HUGE increase from what I ate before.
Again, thanks so much everyone!