Complete program, first week weight loss, NORMAL? Help!

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Complete program, first week weight loss, NORMAL? Help!

Postby Carbshateme » August 25th, 2005, 7:44 am

Hello all!

For any complete programer's, did you lose a TON the first week?

I originally thought I weighed 290. I discovered on my start date I weighed 297. Tomorrow is my first full week and I was weighed for the heck of it this morning (On the super fancy dr. scale that read 297) and I was at 281. That's 16 pounds. I am on the complete program. And nope, it's not now, and wasn't a week ago, that time 'o the month. I'm sure most of it is water weight,and I won't see results like that very often but, is it normal? I was gonna ask all you first before I called my dr!

I'm not complainin', I'm just SHOCKED.:shock:'
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Postby fedup » August 25th, 2005, 7:47 am

Oh my oh my!!! :shock: That's WONDERFUL!! I'm waiting a little while to weigh this time around, but I know before I lost about 12 my first week, starting around 225. And you're not even at the end of your fist week yet!!!!!!!!!!!

You should definitely be doing the Happy Dance!! :lol:
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Postby Carbshateme » August 25th, 2005, 7:55 am

Yay! Ok, good. That makes sense then... I'm sure because I weigh so much the weight comes off very quicky at first.. I just wasn't told THIS quickly!
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first week

Postby oregonrose » August 25th, 2005, 10:32 am

I lost 13 lbs the first week-- I was assured that it was normal-- You are doing great! keep up the great work-- it just keeps on getting easier! with motivation like the scale its easy! it does slow down and then like me and others you get dissappointed with 2-3 lbs in a week! HA! I'm here for you--- nancy
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Postby Unca_Tim » August 25th, 2005, 10:58 am

You'll find a few posts here on the forum with similar results to yours. Your body may have been in just the perfect condition to flush away flabbage and fluid rapidly once you started the program.

Of course you know you can't expect this every week, but those 16 lbs are history now.

I look at the weight loss as kind of a percentage of available excess fat. That's why it seems to slow down as you get closer to your goal, where actually we're still chugging along at a similar rate.

I'll use 10% as an example below for a weekly loss....

10% of 100lbs of excess fat = 10 lbs
10% of 20lbs of excess fat = 2 lbs

The first week usually includes extra fluid on top of the fat loss.

There is no science behind this and is just my personal view after seeing tons of different scenerios since we started this forum, but it seems to hold true in most cases.

Enjoy your success and run with it to your next shake....:)
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Postby Carbshateme » August 25th, 2005, 12:39 pm

OK Unca, now I'm gonna get all "math-y" on you.. When I have dieted before (You know, DIEted, those weird plans where you don't lose any weight or you lose 2 pounds a month?) I was always told that you should adjust your caloric intake to meet your "new" weight requirements. (The more you lose, the less calories you should consume-- like someone who weighs 200 pounds needs more calories to maintain weight than someone who weighs 120)Medifast doesn't have any guidelines for that. Soooo, how does it work? Is it just because Medifast gives us such nutritionally dense food and we eat 3 hours apart that we can continue consuming the same amount until we reach goal?

Thanks so much for all your hard work!! :)
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Losing Fast

Postby Jan » August 25th, 2005, 2:01 pm

Hi There,
You are doing great. Our program is forumulated so that no matter how much you weight or how much you have to lose you will lose weight. Your individual body determines the rate at which you lose. Generally when we have a lot of weight to lose we lose faster than someone with less to lose. This is because our program is formulated so that you burn fat. The more fat the faster. But, as you lose do not change the program. It is made such that it works for everyone. If you alter the meal replacements -- ie subtract because you now weight less -- you will most likely stop losing. I know that sounds crazy according to traditional "diet mentality". But you are already consuming a relatively low calorie meal plan so if you subtract calories your body just may go into "self preservation" mode and refuse to part with anything. The explanation is rather long but goes back to our old "hunter gatherer days". So just stick with the program as it is -- don't add , don't subtract and you will continue to have happy surprises. :D
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Postby martha » August 25th, 2005, 11:35 pm

Hi there--

WOW great 1st week..I lost alot the first week too but it does slow down after a while.. You are off to a great start.. keep up the good work and please stay with the program as it is should continue to see great things starting to happen on your way to THINSVILLE--martha
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Postby mytime » August 27th, 2005, 9:11 pm

Yep - lost 18 the first week - the only time I really felt rewarded for having sooo much to lose. I thought my scale had been broken. Now about 3 per week and still really happy with the results- you are doing great and it only gets better - OH sorry - and WELCOME !!! Mytime
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