My Complete 180

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Postby MyComplete180 » April 22nd, 2009, 11:33 am

Me too I hate the couples thing...LOVE Sione, totally agree about whiney pink chick. I like Tara, except where the contests are... It kills me how fit she looks, I mean no baggy skin for her. Okay now I hate her :x

Ron really does not bother me, good game play, and it is good game play, I hope he does well at home, just because of his age, it would be nice to see him so fit, I totally wish they would allow Mikes brother on next season, I felt so bad for him when they all saw each other.

Still say Felipe will be such a hubba hubba at the finale...

Okay so would you be on Bob's team or Jillian's???? UHH Bob for me, I would slap Jillian, love her but could not handle her...
Last edited by MyComplete180 on April 22nd, 2009, 12:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby nickieluv » April 22nd, 2009, 11:47 am

That's a tough question. I think they paint the trainers as total opposites but it has to be less black and white than that. Personally I think I'd deal better with Jillian's style. I'm not a very touchy-feely person and Bob always seems so - I don't know - cuddly? Then again, I'd be scared to death of Jillian. I think the best choice for me is to stay on my couch. :lol:
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Postby nickieluv » April 22nd, 2009, 11:48 am

Hey, did you just put up the ticker or am I that oblivious? 6 pounds in two days? Now I hate you. :-P
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Postby MyComplete180 » April 22nd, 2009, 12:10 pm

Don't hate.....yeah 6 in 2 days, I was not going to do the ticker daily...but decided I wanted to see it...keep in mind I gained that 6 in the past 2 weeks, my first real goal is 239 just to be out of the 240's, then 229, have not been 229 in 6 years...

Actually I have 10 steps....

239, 229, 219, 209, 199 ( the big one) 189, 179, 169 , 159 and 149 goal
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Postby MyComplete180 » April 22nd, 2009, 12:13 pm

OH and everybody knows it wa wa weight at this point...I will probably be one of those 2 lb a week gals... unlike the guys, darn they drop weight steady, remember tonyr, trout and others??? Machines just machines...
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Postby MyComplete180 » April 22nd, 2009, 12:18 pm

So I can be bribed...I was going to do a little reward for every goal met, instead I am paying myself a.k.a. taking money from the hubby and stashing it 8)

So Goal 1 in 10.00
Goal 2 20.00
Goal 3 30.00 and so on,,,if I do that to 10 goals I will have 550.oo, which buys a nice wardrobe...

I like it
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Postby nickieluv » April 22nd, 2009, 1:55 pm

I did all those rewards things, too. It is fun, but I didn't find it very motivating. So make sure they aren't your focus, but just a fun bonus. :D

I know it's water weight - it's still weight. ;) Good for you and may the fat loss follow swiftly....
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Postby MyComplete180 » April 22nd, 2009, 3:15 pm

CRAP, I have another MH I must have some crazy stuff in my body , I will glad when it is gone...
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Postby MyComplete180 » April 22nd, 2009, 6:21 pm

Okay, hangover ran from the tylenol...Day 3 in the bag, it went well. Had a few food moments, but they passed easily. I am mentally more alert than I have been in years...

on to day 4.


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Postby oksoonergirl26 » April 22nd, 2009, 7:50 pm

I can't believe I missed out on all the BL talk!!! I loathe Ron, sorry but if you had gastric bypass and let yourself get back in that bad of shape I don't care! I can't stand Mike-he is way too smug. I also loved Sione and I hope that he or Kristin wins the runner-up. After what Mike and Ron did last night I am backing Tara, I like Felipe, but I don't think he can catch Tara. The Kristin thing made me mad, because she has been the nicest person in the house and never once played "the game". However, she really needs way more time to lose the weight. I haven't really tried the reward system for my self, I almost always reward myself with food for other things (well I did). When I lose the first 50 I plan on buying a very expensive pair of shoes. I am going to buy an expensive pair of jeans to hang in my closet and look at everyday as well. For the first 25 I am going to the spa...
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Postby MyComplete180 » April 23rd, 2009, 3:38 am

He had gastric???? No way???/ I missed the first half of the season that is so bad. Okay more like sad, but it is good for people to see gastric is a tool only a tool, you still have to change habits. I am backing....hmmmm...Filepe, I agress Tara is tough, she will probably be #2 if she does not win.
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Postby MyComplete180 » April 23rd, 2009, 5:59 am

Day 4 on the way...headache again, I never get them, I do not like them, no I do not like them Sam, I do not like headache Sam I Am... :lol:

I love that more prople are posting, the little help hints that are being dropped here and there are great! I need to increase my water, I would like 80 oz today if possible...

No I do not like water Sam...hehe just kidding I love water at this point.
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Postby rodeomom » April 23rd, 2009, 6:09 am

I cannot stand my local water so I go to Kroger and get my gallon jugs refilled at the little machine. The water is awesome out of that even with a tiniest hint of a sweet flavor. Makes it easier to drink when it doesn't taste like doo doo!

As for the headache - just bear with it. Take some Excedrin Migraine or get a little more caffeine in ya for a day or two. Once you hit fat burning you will feel better.
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Postby katieb920 » April 23rd, 2009, 6:15 am

Hiya 180.

Headaches will go away. But what I do when I start for the first time. I always take Tylenol right when I get up. And I take it right when I go to bed. It has really helped me.
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Postby MyComplete180 » April 23rd, 2009, 7:25 pm

The headaches are funny, they leave thankfully...I will try the Tylenol trick tomorrow. I buy water from Lowes YUMMMY, I will admit we are water snobs,I am really picky, no aquafina ICK, I like Sam's Choice from Walmart, I can do Propel, but Lowes 5 gallon water is really good, we have a cooler.

Day 4 in the bag...getting easier. I totally had a GREAT lean and green today...salad, 1 egg and a cut up meatball :? I am sure was not the greatest choice of meat, but darn they were good. Family had pizza tonight, I had Crab Soup, love the stuff.

What is everyones opinion of 70's vs. 55"s, do you think the extra protein is okay??? AND UH NO, no exercise yet...


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