Getting back in the groove, I swear I had the worst flu/cold known to man, I am 99.9 percent here now. I had started exercising, I KNOW , ME??? I joined a 24 hour show up late no one is there gym, nice, bought an MP3, loaded it will feel good music and Eminem, I know him? Rap, I listen to country, but his angry stuff is a good pick me up on a treadmill. Well then I decided I really wanted to use another gym in town cause they had a better variety of cardio machines, but lousy hours, so I am keeping both accts...
Except, I really like kick I am taking my son to Karate 2X a week and I have a cardio kick boxing class after, very cool. I am loving exercise. Who the heck has hijaked my acct and is talking right now, cause 180 doesn't exercise lol
I also added B shots froma local Medifast program doc... he does the shots ala carte... also taking Fish Oil and Biotin to help with hair loss, seems to be working.
Sigh, turned 44 2 weeks ago... I was sick

BUT I have been buying an outfit every payday from a local consignment shop, ( why buy new when used will do) 10/12...I walk into my closet and handle them often. I started a 24, am a 20 now, really want out of the 230's, REALLY REALLY. I want 190's in July...uh don't think it will happen but we will try...
Meanwhile, I have missed everyone... have to get back to my food schedule, and am trying to give up diet sodas and splenda in Oatmeals...
The cruch bars are CRACK, can we really have more than 1 a day, that seems so wrong.
Okay kids, I am back... feeling fine... I would love to hear from somone who hit goal and exercised along the way, that worries me...
Talk later