MF company closed...?

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MF company closed...?

Postby CarmenM » January 26th, 2006, 11:43 am

Hello Everyone!!!

Ok.. so yesterday i went to my clinic to get my weekly supply of MF but then i noticed that they had replaced a lot of the MF products with their own brand (Physicians Weight Loss) so i then asked one of the nurses why they were replacing the supplements and she said that it was because the MF company had closed down. This can't be true right? Well, i don't think it is but i sure did get a scare there for a second. Has anyone heard anything about this? Why would she say that?

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Postby Serendipity » January 26th, 2006, 12:32 pm

I don't know why she would say that, but it's definately not true.
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Postby Unca_Tim » January 26th, 2006, 12:34 pm

Physicians Weight Loss was a distributor for Medifast.

Not sure what's going on there now, but Medifast has been around 25 years and my guess is, it'll be around another 25.

Why would they say that?
Who knows?...... :?
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Postby CarmenM » January 26th, 2006, 4:14 pm

Well.. i really dont know why they are not giving the MF products anymore but i am really disapointed!!! They still have a couple of MF supplements there so i guess i'll try and take as many as possible till i have to switch to their brand. The thing is that the plan is already paid for so i can't back out of it... i only have 4 more weeks with their food and then they switch my plan.. but i'm sticking to MF.. so i guess i'm going to have to buy them online. I'm just so HAPPY that MF is not going anywhere!!!

Vicky, were you part of Physicians weight loss? I dont know but i was looking at the back of the box of both PWL and MF and they seem to have about the same nutrients. About the same Calories, protien, carbs, sugar, vitamins etc...

I'm probably going to have to stick to some PWL products until my food is up and i can get MF you guys think this will affect my weight loss all that much? All the food is pretty much the same (i think) except for the brands... UGH!!! Why did they take out my MF!! :x LOL

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Postby 24KaratGold » January 26th, 2006, 4:56 pm

The thing is that the plan is already paid for so i can't back out of it... i only have 4 more weeks with their food and then they switch my plan..
Unh-uh! Based on what you have said here, they are attempting to commit a fraud -- they are telling you a lie, that the MF company is out of business, so that you will buy other products instead. (Not only is this a fraud, if you've accurately reported it, but it's also business disparagement and MF potentially has a legal cause of action for it.)

Go back and tell them that you want your money back for the last four weeks because you know for a fact that MF is viable and in business, and that what you contracted for was for MF products and plan, nothing else. Don't let them get away with it.

This post is not intended to and does not reflect anything more than the personal opinion of the author, and is not meant to be the provision of professional legal advice or the establishment of any attorney-client relationship.

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Postby Jan » January 26th, 2006, 10:12 pm

Oh My Goodness,
That was some tale you were told. Medifast is not only still alive and kicking but it is growing growing growing!!! New products are being added and new testing being done to develop others areas. For example last year it was the diabetic studies and this year juvenile obesity. The only thing in the future for the Co. is bigger and better (if that's possible :mrgreen: ) I think this group just decided to change product line for some reason. I'm only guessing but maybe it has something to do with profit - -- seems to be a motivating factor in many things.
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Postby Gwenski » January 27th, 2006, 5:32 pm

I so love that 24kt got all lawyer on you!!! Being the letter writer that I am, I would let Medifast know about this and give all the contact information for this clinic you are going to. I would also review your contract or whatever you have with them to see if you can get out of it???? Looks like you got a sage and drama to deal with -- hang in there!

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